The celebration of the anniversary of Victory will take place and the parade, and the procession of "Immortal regiment", and meetings with veterans. This was stated by the President in greeting the participants of the open all-Russia action "Watch memory".
"In the current year, in connection with the spread of dangerous diseases that threaten the lives and health of people, national celebrations dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the great Victory, transferred", – stated the head of state. But the President believes that "the Immortal regiment", and a military parade, and meetings with veterans, and other significant Patriotic events will be held.
Vladimir Putin called exploratory movement "bright, a truly unique phenomenon in the public life of our country". Its noble mission, it mobilized tens of thousands of caring people – those who sincerely loves his Homeland. Search engines equip military, fraternal burial, care of veterans, working in the field, working in the archives and form an invaluable database about participants of the great Patriotic war. And now, in the uneasy period, – in the same ranks with volunteer associations helping people.