A fortune teller Sadalsky fell on Myasnikova

A fortune teller Sadalsky fell on Myasnikova

Actor Stas Sadalsky in his Instagram compared the head physician of the Moscow city clinical hospital N71 Alexander Myasnikov TV presenter Elena Malysheva and accused of inaccurate projections of the epidemic of the coronavirus.

Doctor butcher acknowledged the error in the forecast for coronavirus

Publish from Stas Sadalsky? (@stassadal) 22 APR 2020 11:23 PDT

Rambler wrote that the butchers admitted that he was wrong in the forecast of the onset of peak distribution COVID-19 in Russia. Previously, the physician argued that the maximum spread of the coronavirus will receive at the end of April.

“Luck: “Doctor butcher, doctor butcher…” (…) butchers becomes more and more like Elena Malyshev, worn on TV, mumbling about very old age and as the fortune teller gives the wrong prediction about the peak of the pandemic,” said Sadalsky.

He said that he knows “a truly outstanding doctors” that are on TV they don’t act and the whole life activity and scientific work.