Citizens of coronavirus was taken in March deposits by 315 billion

Citizens of coronavirus was taken in March deposits by 315 billion

Citizens was shot mainly foreign currency deposits. The decline has come on the third week of the month when people actively made a purchase in case of self-isolation, and some large depositors were made of large pending purchases (cars, appliances) in anticipation of rising prices, said Bank of Russia.

In the future, analysts predict the Central Bank, “there may be some additional reduction in deposits of individuals due to the fact that some people are forced to spend savings, while at home, without the ability to earn income”.

For banks decrease in deposits was offset by growth in corporate accounts and deposits in March 625 billion roubles (2,1%), which occurred despite the tax period.

In the last week of March marked increase in disbursements of loans to natural persons, also associated with a surge in consumer demand, which, however, at the beginning of April have declined significantly. In General within the month the growth of the retail loan portfolio amounted to 290 billion rubles, or 1.6%.