From coronavirus infection in Moscow has recovered another 181 people

From coronavirus infection in Moscow has recovered another 181 people

In Moscow from coronavirus infection was cured another 181 people. Reported by Anastasia Rakova, Deputy Moscow Mayor for social development.

To confirm the absence of human disease, after treatment, the doctors conduct special studies. Recovered can become donors.

the clinical Staff of the Committee on COVID-19 concluded that the transfusion of donor blood plasma COVREC — plasma antibodies to the new coronavirus infection is one of the most effective treatments for the disease today. Donor plasma can be people aged from 18 to 55 years, recover from coronavirus infection and without chronic diseases. Also it should be negative tests for HIV, hepatitis b and hepatitis C.

Donors will receive incentive payments. For every 150 milliliters of plasma they will pay 1,250 rubles, 600 milliliters of plasma or five thousand rubles.

Muscovites recalled the need for timely treatment for medpomoshhi the basis of the Medical scientific and educational center of MSU named after M. V. Lomonosov opened a hospital to combat coronavirus

non-working days in Russia were extended until April 30. This is done to most of the residents could remain at home and less time in contact with other people. The city closed entertainment venues, beauty salons, cafes and restaurants. Work as usual only to grocery stores, pharmacies, pet shops, services, delivery outlets and stores, shops where you can buy necessities.

to Learn more about the prevention of coronavirus and methods of combating the disease is possible by phone of hot line:(daily from 08:00 to 21:00), as well as in special projects