Collins fell sick while in the isolation

Collins fell sick while in the isolation

Famous 82-year-old Russian singer Edita Piekha said that he was sick, staying in isolation in the village.

She noted that since the end of March lives in his country house near St. Petersburg and communicates only with the family members that surround it.

Peha said that she observed the General malaise for several days high temperature. Despite the symptoms of coronavirus, she believes that they could not get infected.

Edita said that she had nothing to complain about as the food and essential medicines brings home her assistant, and all the time watching her family members – daughter Ilona, the grandson of Stas and Eric, and great-grandchildren Peter and Vasilisa. So she does not feel lonely and it is always something to do.

In his account Instagram, the singer posted advice for members who are asked to adhere to to keep healthy. She also advised them to monitor elderly relatives to bring them food and necessary medication, and also more likely to call and ask about their health.

Peha believes that these simple tips can allow residents of Russia to win COVID-19 and soon to return to his former life.