Cybercrime has surpassed street crime due to coronavirus

Cybercrime has surpassed street crime due to coronavirus

In the era of pandemic coronavirus street crime has faded into the background, replaced by cyber crime. This was stated by the head of the Russian section International police Association, Lieutenant-General Yuri Zhdanov, reports RIA Novosti.

According to him, law enforcement authorities were not ready to fight cyberswindlers who was “more evil”. Criminals operate in the current circumstances “more cohesively, professionally, competently,” he said.

In January-March 2020 the number of IT crimes in the country increased by 83.9% compared to the same period last year, said the Agency.

Earlier, on 23 April, Russian banks warned of intensified fraud during the period of General isolation. In the credit organisations has explained that criminals use methods of social engineering, playing on the stress of their victims of the epidemic of the coronavirus. They are trying to steal card details and other passwords using in their beliefs by the negative news agenda about the pandemic and the economic situation. The average number of attempts to steal the money of the Russians in these ways increased by 15-30 percent.