In two days more than 240 of Russians returned from Turkey to his homeland

In two days more than 240 of Russians returned from Turkey to his homeland

For two days – on 21 and 22 April from Antalya and Istanbul special flights were taken 242 citizen of Russia. This was announced by the Consulate General of the Russian Federation, noting that the returned travelers living in Moscow and Moscow region, Urals and Volga Federal districts.

Export the flight was arranged in coordination with the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia, Ministry of communications and the Federal air transport Agency, RIA Novosti reported. Russian diplomats noted the great assistance of the representative office of the Turkish foreign Ministry, Istanbul governorship and the Istanbul province in the organization unimpeded in terms of sanitary and epidemiological restrictions on the movement of Russians to Board the flight, as well as “Turkish airlines” carried out the flight to Moscow.

Recall, on the background of the pandemic coronavirus Russia from March 27 stopped regular and Charter flights with other countries. With the exception of export routes. The Russian Federation also have restrictions on the number of arriving passengers.