In Russia spoke about the piercing the whole of Europe weapons

In Russia spoke about the piercing the whole of Europe weapons

Located in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad oblasts of the Russian weapon has range, able to “penetrate” the whole of Europe, says columnist TASS Dmitry Litovkin.

Among the listed author of weapons — tactical complexes “Iskander-M”, anti-ship missile complexes “Ball” (equipped with cruise missiles X-35) and “Bastion” (launch supersonic “Onyx”), and the ships-the carriers of cruise missiles, long-range “Caliber”.

Litovkin notes that currently, the Baltic sea has created a powerful layered defense system. According to the author, the return of weapons 203-mm self-propelled weapons 2С7М “Malka” and 240-mm self-propelled mortar 2S4 “Tulip” capable of firing nuclear ammunition, is alarming.

In April Litovkin wrote that the delay by the United States renewal of the Russian-American Treaty on measures for the further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms (start-III) may be due to the ongoing U.S. work to establish the “ultimate weapon”.