Aksenova outraged by the behavior arrived from Thailand Crimean

Aksenova outraged by the behavior arrived from Thailand Crimean

The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov has criticized the behavior of some of the inhabitants of the Republic who began to refuse from the premises in the Observatory after returning from abroad. About it reports RIA Novosti Crimea.

At the meeting oberstab on the situation COVID-19, he noted that among the arrived on Wednesday from Thailand Crimeans have "trouble maker" who are protesting the quarantine measures. This behavior Aksenov called piggish, transmit "to the Crimea".

"Now lady one begins to write what the authorities satisfied with the show", — said the head of the Republic.

According to Aksenov, the such people "you cannot believe a word" therefore, henceforth, they will not be allowed into Crimea "without a written commitment that they agree to go to the Observatory".

"No shame, no conscience! Make changes to the decree for such comrades, that without written notice that they are aware of the information about the room in the Observatory, even the negotiations are not conducted" — he emphasized.

In turn, the head of inter-regional Department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol Natalia Penkovskaya indicated that some of the arrivals of Russians believe the room in the Observatory illegal, but they "confuse and substitute one concept to others".

"To the question of isolation, they are irrelevant and belong to the category of persons who are mandatory isolation. They all me the signed resolution," she said.

Pandemic coronavirus has spread to almost the whole world. The latest who figures, infected nearly two and a half million people, about 170 thousand had died.

In Russia, 57 of 999 cases, 513 people died, more than 4.4 thousand recovered. In recent days the number of cases is less than the day before — 5236 new patients compared to 5642 Tuesday.

In most Russian regions on a regime of universal isolation, and in Moscow and the Moscow region, in addition, introduced a system of passes. Authorities urged citizens to stay home.

Relevant data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.