The Russians stood up for the monuments to Lenin

The Russians stood up for the monuments to Lenin

the Russians stood up for the monuments of Vladimir Lenin — 83 percent of citizens are opposed to their demolition. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to data of Fund “Public opinion”.

Only seven percent of Russians are in favour of the proposal to remove monuments to the leader from the streets and squares. 76 percent of citizens have a negative attitude to the ideas of renaming streets and Lenin square, and support such proposals, 13 percent of Russians.

More than half of citizens (56 percent) believe that Lenin had a positive impact on Russian history. As his merit they call the elimination of illiteracy, free education and more. Those who believe that Lenin played a negative role in the country’s history, just 20 per cent. They take as their arguments the Civil war and the casualties.

Previously, the street, the world’s first woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova in Novosibirsk proposed to rename the street Svetlana Savitskaya, the first woman to enter the open space. The reason was the offer Tereshkova on the revision of presidential terms of Vladimir Putin.