Connection benefits

Connection benefits

the request to turn on utilities in the area most affected sectors were already sent to the government by various organizations in this sector. However, the Fund “Institute of city economy” believe that the utilities industry, unlike others, has suffered not too much – she’s not losing customers and opportunities to work. “We just need to strengthen the support of the citizens who were injured or whose incomes fell, so they can pay for housing and communal services, – the Director of a direction “municipal economy” Foundation Irina Gentsler. – But you need to change the order of execution of subsidy to take into account the income of a resident for the past six months, and what he is right now.”

Earlier NP “housing Control” was asked the managing organisations financial support to carry out disinfection in tenement houses, to extend the authorization of the Board TSZH and ZHSK (you need to hold a General meeting, which is now impossible), to allocate subsidies for utilities even if the debt of the applicant.

the Russian Association of water supply and sanitation, Russian communal systems and Rosvodokanal, referring to the government, noted the need to adjust the abolition of penalties for late payment of utility services. They stressed that the costs of the utilities now only increased because of the need for enhanced disinfection of water and higher prices for reagents, the payments of the population in the absence of fines may be reduced from 95% to 25-30%. This will reduce the reliability of water supply, quality of water and increase the number of accidents. According to the authors of the letter, it is necessary to cancel penalties only for people receiving subsidies, compensations for housing and utility services. In addition, they were asked to repay the debt for utility services from the budgetary organizations and to ban the shifting of Bank commissions at reception of payments of citizens for utilities for the supplier and the organization.

At the same time all the planned activities on preparation of boilers, CHP, heat networks and spheres of water supply, in-house infrastructure for the upcoming heating season should be performed in a timely manner and in full, the head of the Ministry Vladimir Yakushev. “The initiative announced by from utilities on a possible global review of the repair and investment programs should first and foremost be considered from the point of view of the highest of ensuring accident-free passing of the upcoming heating season,” – said the Minister.

it is Necessary to disseminate to the enterprises vodoprovodno-sewer economy, and perhaps the entire industry as a whole, measures of support provided to strategic enterprises, according to the Association of manufacturers of pipeline systems (APTS). Among them – reduceds rates for payment of insurance premiums, the possibility of applying for easy loans, installment payment of taxes, the obligation to pay which comes in April, for the second half of the year. “It is necessary to exclude the arrest of accounts for late payment of taxes, dues and fees”, – noted in the APTS. Also, according to APTS, it is necessary to provide direct subsidies to infrastructure updates in connection with the cancellation and postponement of many programs. “It runs the entire economy, will involve the operating organization, builders, designers, product manufacturers and raw materials. This path is for China to minimize the impact of the crisis,” – said the President of APTS Vladislav Tkachenko.