Double protection

Double protection

Belarus and Russia are still large areas of alienation, the lands withdrawn from economic use due to high levels of radioactive contamination, – commented on the situation in the Department for elimination of consequences of the Chernobyl disaster emergencies Ministry of Belarus. – There is a risk of transboundary transfer of radionuclides during forest fires. This requires coordinated action to ensure a special regime of territories with high levels of radioactive contamination. You need to continue joint efforts for the protection of the population, rehabilitation of contaminated lands and their gradual return to normal… What are the problems solved four of the Chernobyl program? In the beginning the main thing was to reduce the risk for living on contaminated territories. Therefore, funds were allocated mainly to the construction and equipping of health centres to provide specialized medical care. Then developed standards for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, carried out environmental education of the population and rehabilitation of the affected lands. During the execution of the third Chernobyl programs have been created the catalogue of exposure doses of certain groups of the population of the Gomel region. A notable event was the preparation of the Atlas of contemporary and forecasted aspects of the Chernobyl disaster on the affected territories of Russia and Belarus.

the Result of the fourth program were the introduction of new medical technologies, upgrading the equipment base for monitoring of radioactive contamination, creation of Russian-Belarusian Internet-portal on disaster recover. For these and other challenges only in Belarus was sent to 80 million dollars. The Federal program has become an important complement to national government programs to overcome the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. It included significant capital investments in the construction and equipping of medical facilities, the implementation of the pilot projects address the rehabilitation of the farms in the contaminated territories.

2019 is executed the fifth program of the Union state. Its main objectives – improvement of radiation safety of the population and agricultural production, creation of conditions for the return of radioactively contaminated areas to normal life. With this purpose implemented a set of joint activities, research, development and technological works. Provides for the development of new approaches to technologies aimed at reducing the level of radionuclides in agricultural products, reduction of risks of transboundary transport of radionuclides in emergency situations and improved efficiency in eliminating them. The survey will be resettled��tion (excluded) territories of Russia and Belarus on the possibility of their return into economic circulation, joint activities on integrated radio-ecological monitoring of territories exposed to radioactive contamination. These works will take place in Gomel and Mogilev regions of Belarus and Bryansk region of Russia.

As noted by the Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly Committee on ecology, nature use and liquidation of consequences of accidents Galina Filippovich, the fifth Union program aimed at securing full socio-economic development of border territories of Belarus and Russia. An important component is to minimize the impact of small doses of radiation still present in the affected lands. There, you will create a safe environment.

Customers: Russian Ministry of emergency situations of Russia; Ministry of emergency situations and the national Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Funding: funds of the Union state budget in the amount of 992 million 385 thousand roubles. Russia’s share is 65%, the share of Belarus – 35%.

the Department on liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl disaster emergencies Ministry of Belarus is developing a draft State program on overcoming consequences of accident on the 2021-2025 years and carries out reception of applications for participation in it. Main goals: further reducing the risk of adverse effects to health of citizens, maintaining the achieved level of protective measures, the implementation of radiation monitoring and control of radioactive pollution of environmental objects and products, promoting socio-economic development of the regions in strict compliance with radiation safety requirements.