Almost 70 of the population of the Russian Federation intend to vote for the amendments to the Constitution

Almost 70 of the population of the Russian Federation intend to vote for the amendments to the Constitution

If the vote on the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation took place on April 22, the turnout would be 52-54%. In this case, “for” the amendments would have voted 67-68% of the respondents, cites the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM).

would have voted against amendments to the Constitution 27-30% of the respondents. A spoiled ballot for a vote of 3-5%.

Plan to participate in the voting on the amendments to the Constitution 66% of the citizens of the Russian Federation. “For” ready to speak 50% of planning to take part in the vote, against 26%.

the Survey was conducted on 17 April 2020. Polled 1,600 Russian citizens over 18 years old. The maximum size of the error with 95% probability does not exceed 2.5%.

As was reported IA REGNUM, a nationwide vote on amendments to the Constitution, scheduled to take place on 22 April, could be held in late June or July.