Disclosed details of the project of the USSR to land a man on Venus

Disclosed details of the project of the USSR to land a man on Venus

To land failed because of this, the second planet from the Sun, the planet temperature is too high and carbon dioxide atmosphere. But still possible, says academician of the Russian Academy of cosmonautics named after Tsiolkovsky Alexander Suvorov.

During Soviet times, was studied the possibility of landing a man on Venus. However, scientists had to abandon the idea, because the planet was unsuitable for life conditions. About it RIA Novosti said the head of the Department of human physiology in extreme conditions, Institute of biomedical problems of RAS, doctor of medical Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of cosmonautics named after Tsiolkovsky Alexander Suvorov.

The scientist said that Venus has an unbreathable atmosphere, and the pressure corresponding to the immersion under the water almost one kilometer. In order to verify whether in these conditions to working people by the Institute of biomedical problems in cooperation with the Institute of Oceanology, USSR Academy of Sciences in 1981 was organized exercises. The astronauts descended to a depth of 100 meters, then 350 and 450.

“In the end we almost proved that at a depth of 1000 meters the man could work”, – said Suvorov.

He noted that these conditions are really hard (difficulty breathing, shortness of breath), but you can run the fiznagruzki average weight.

However, when in 1967, reached Venus by the Soviet station “Venera-4”, it turned out that the planet – carbon dioxide atmosphere and a temperature of about 475 degrees.

“There is the fact that, theoretically, people will be able to go down to Venus to put on a spacesuit and go out on its surface,” – says Suvorov.

The scientist is convinced – if people can dive to a depth of 1000 meters, it may appear on the surface of Venus.