Why Brussels even if COVID 19 accused of fakes and aggression Moscow and Beijing

Why Brussels even if COVID 19 accused of fakes and aggression Moscow and Beijing

And the reason this time for dialogue with the Latvian politician has been the adoption in Strasbourg once, but very relevant resolution about the pandemic coronavirus. The document itself is called: “About coordinated EU action to combat the pandemic COVID-19 and its consequences”.

the Procedure of writing, discussing and editing this project, said Zhdanok, was held in the online mode, as well as the voting procedure. On the one hand, it is easy and familiar. And, unfortunately, she admitted, even that flew verbal Darts against Russia, it is impossible to recognize extraordinary news, because such workpieces in the European portfolio has accumulated more than a dozen.

However, instead of clicking in the plenary hall MPs had this time for two days to give its opinion “on the mountain” from home with a computer, printer, scanner and even a ballpoint pen.

And yet no cherry for Easter dessert and this time not done. First, the topic itself. Second, procedure. Thirdly, the fact that the blame for Moscow was already in tandem with Beijing.

the Vote, said Zhdanok, were proposed by the political groups of amendments, and for individual paragraphs. For the group Green/EFA, which includes and the first Russian member of the European Parliament, the key was the position of other political groups on the Green amendment that the Parliament “considers it necessary in order to preserve the cohesion of the EU and the integrity of its monetary Union, a significant proportion of the debt to be issued to combat the effects of the crisis COVID-19 had been harmonized at the EU level”. But votes left flank, alas, is not enough.

it would Seem that the failure of this amendment has proven once again that solidarity in Brussels the situation is from bad to worse. And this could reasonably argue in a loud voice. But no, it turns out that it is impossible. Especially when this is not musical dissonance pay attention to the East of the Union. As shown by the vote, this opinion is shared by the overwhelming majority of MEPs, sadly, stated the Deputy.

not to be unfounded, Zhdanok has brought the fragments of this Aesopian paragraph which States that “the EU must become more resilient to crises in General, to be ready to fight with the external misinformation, fake news,” and urges the Commission “to resist the aggressive advocacy efforts of Russia and China, using the pandemic COVID-19 to undermine the EU and to sow distrust of the local population”.

Especially Tatiana Arkadyevna seemed outrageous use of the phrase “aggressive outreach effort”. Where and in what form they were discovered, the authors of the text are not misleading, and when I realizednil them in the forehead, said Zhdanok, they refer to the report of the expert group. But, judging by the weekly “the review of disinformation”, which the MP regularly receives examples of such distortions in the surveys is not given in General, the more “aggressive”.

unfortunately, she explained, because of the peculiarities of remote voting lists of names for each position will appear, most likely, only next week. While only available data on the vote on the resolution as a whole. It was supported by 395 MPs with 171 against and 128 abstentions. With regard to the Latvian members of the European Parliament, it voted for the resolution the majority of the deputies, including the former fighter for harmony and equality in society, Russian Riga mayor nil Ushakov and his long-term Deputy Andris Ameriks.

some structural provisions of the resolution summarized Tatyana Zhdanok, which could support, are unable to fix the presence of the fly in the ointment in the form of another unfounded and stupid accusations against the two great powers – Russia and China.