the police districts in the north of Jutland and in Copenhagen has had a busy easter week.
In Copenhagen, the police have in all given 223 cut in the licence, and 19 conditional frakendelser.
The typing of the Copenhagen Police on Twitter.
at the same time, calls on the police to show respect – even though there are fewer drivers on the roads as a result of the corona-crisis.
At the North jutland Police had to pull bødeblokken forward about 100 times to citizens, who could not figure out how to keep themselves within the framework of the law.
It writes The Police in a press release.
About half of the 100 offences concerned about the violation of the speed limit.
‘Several of these are measured to a speed that will give a disqualification from driving,’ says police commissioner Thomas Blake.
‘Hurry along with alcohol and inattention is one of the primary causes of accidents and their severity, so our advice is quite simple: Lower the the go. Just a little bit. It saves lives,’ he points out.
in Addition to the speeding offences were more drivers also taken to talking on a mobile phone while driving, not to have the seat belt on and or to sit behind the wheel without having a driving licence in itself.
At the just-ended easter had The Police, however, not introduced in the traditional and systematic spritkontroller. It is health been terminated due to coronaviruses.
‘But our patrols grabs of course, if they stop a road user, and one gets the suspicion that the driver is affected, just like the individual politipatruljer still make a spritkontrol of the individual drivers, when deemed necessary,’ sounds the final from the Thomas Blake.