Of Russian language from Donetsk: I just turned 30, when in my city the war came

Of Russian language from Donetsk: I just turned 30, when in my city the war came

Teacher tells how he witnessed the war in Donbass: “I saw people – whether miners, taxi drivers – took up arms. I saw it in person! My father, the warrior-internationalist, past the horrors of Afghanistan, in 55 years, again went to war. Not for the salary that began to pay the militia a year later, and for the idea. For your home. Debt. Normal human duty to protect his house.” Recalls how deserted streets, schools, people were afraid to leave the house.

Photo: hlju.edu.cn specialist in Russian Philology from China: Our Yura was for us a family

“We have not gone a single day: always had a strange feeling that when we leave the house and return will have no place. I came into an empty school on 1 September 2014 where no bell rang and no children’s voices was not heard! I was collecting the crumbs of his returning from Russia and Belarus pyatiklashek forced to leave the terrible in the summer of 2014. I saw rose deep in people, what made 41-m to unite people into a single force” – bitterly says Jana.

nevertheless, the majority of today’s teenagers, according to teachers, find it difficult to maintain the memory of the great Patriotic War. It is very difficult to tell them about how they lived and what that felt like people.

“What words to choose a simple school teacher, to convey to the mind of a modern teenager living in social networks and tubemom captivity in what human grief was all that terrible a distant war?! The war we have not seen, but inexplicably remember, not seen, but feel it, somewhere at the genetic level,” says the teacher.

Master, picking up the mAximalin exact words, compares the war with a disease that leaves on the body of humanity scars. And asks the question: “if a Scar or an autograph? Encrypted message for the ages? But how to read it?”.

According to her, the autograph of Victory is not a once a year pinned on the chest ribbon or March with a portrait of his grandfather on the main square. Although this is important! The victory bequeathed us: every day you follow the simple human law – to live in harmony with their conscience, help my neighbor, to protect the weak.

However, Jana is sure the autograph of the war extremely difficult to convey to contemporaries. And between modern youth and the youth of the forties to put a sign of equality is, alas, impossible. Children living in the 21st century – advanced in technology, but infinitely selfish by nature.

Photo: PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / AFP Russian Philology from the Portuguese: Excerpt of the war generation is now needed by the students

“kids today hardly know the names of the heroes of the great Patriotic war. Just think, they have round the clock access to all information, but such information does not interest them. “Battle of Stalingrad”, “Kursk”, “the siege of Leningrad” is for many just out of film expression,” says the teacher.

And bitterly recalls that on the web there are videos about the absurdity of the responses of the younger heirs of the Victory on the provocative questions of journalists: “do You Remember that Stalin personally killed Hitler? Do You know of the great Russian writer Zhukov, who wrote “Basil terkina?” The youth nods in response, they say, know and remember, of course!

the Master believes that the increased generation of Ivanov, not remembering kinship. A generation that needs not only the memory of the great Patriotic war and any memory. “We are, first and foremost, we, the teachers-philologists, should so to shout to be heard not only in the 1st grade, but all his life heard our voice! If you don’t tell us, then who else is there to hope for?!”, – Mrs. John.