In the UK reported the seizure of fakes about coronavirus in the regions

In the UK reported the seizure of fakes about coronavirus in the regions

Now employees SK in different regions of the country are busy finding those fake messages and the prosecution of their authors.

In Tver criminal case after the publication of the fake about COVID-19th century Tatarstan because fake about the outbreak of coronavirus in the hospital was tagged

Already initiated several such criminal cases in Moscow and St.-Petersburg, Saratov, Tver and Leningrad regions, the Republic of Buryatia, Primorsky Krai. Checking on such facts go to Samara, Sverdlovsk, Omsk, Khabarovsk and Krasnodar regions and other regions.

In Tatarstan opened a criminal case under article 207.1 in connection with the social networks of false information that in Vysokogorsky district Central hospital, an outbreak of coronavirus and hurts half of the medical staff of the hospital.

In the Novgorod region opened a case on the fact of publication in one of the online publications of false information that supposedly 30 prison colony in the village of Toporok Novgorod region ill coronavirus infection. This information is not true.

In Buryatia criminal case on the fake about the hundreds of cases COVID-19Новгородские investigators looking for the author of fake about the coronavirus in the penal colony

In the Bashkortostan Republic initiated a criminal case due to the spread in social networks of fake materials, which claimed that the alleged leadership of the Republican clinical hospital. G. G. Kuvatova through the window left the hospital building, which was closed on quarantine.

Another criminal case was opened in the Tver region. It was reported that, say, in the city clinical hospital № 7 unusually high mortality. A conclusion about the number of deaths the author of the fake made allegedly allocated the hospital a huge number of bags for the transportation of dead bodies. In SK, the correspondent “RG” was told that after the publication on the website of one of the online publications of Tver of that lie, and have read it no less than 131 visitor.