Lorenz Humbel (57) is in its cherry-distillery in Stetten AG. He takes a LOOK through his operation, which exists since 1918. Humbel does not understand the world, weeks after the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. “It can happen to a country like Switzerland, that disinfectant go out,” he says and shakes his head. Immediately the thought went through his head: “we must do something!”
Three weeks later, he has already sold 4000 litre self-produced disinfectant. “To the Post, to construction companies or to existing customers.” Rich he won’t do that, so he says. But it’s not going to him at all for this action. “We can make a significant amount of the population can apply the rules of hygiene of the Federal office for health,” says the “Cherry-distiller of passion”, as he calls himself. “And if later, that is why someone reminds us, all the better.”
30 percent of revenue broken away
In the third Generation he leads the specialties of the distillery. That is why it is so important that his company can produce in the Corona of a crisis, if possible, more. “We will only write a black Zero, with the production of the disinfectant. But it is important that the operation continues,” said the Patron. Because: With the stoppage of the gastronomy of 30 percent of sales are broken away.
time to have a taste of the Mediterranean. It feels pleasantly soft, does not burn. How about other cheap disinfectant, which impose on us certain detail of the dealer to the branch inputs. And especially: It smells nice subtle cherry. This is not surprising, if one knows the production.
to be able to 70 percent alcohol content
The cherry that was stored two, three years in large steel tanks to seasonal fluctuations in the “Chriesi” offset – is added to distilled water. So the cherry comes to the for the disinfectant required alcohol content of 70 percent. Then glycerol is added. It ensures that the skin suffers even after repeated application, too.
The Coronavirus currently holds the world in suspense. Many countries are taking measures such as Closing schools or limiting public events, to prevent the spread. In Switzerland, too, the grass, the Virus magnetized. All of the current information and Figures around the topic there is in the Coronavirus-Ticker.
And then – very important – to tilts of the master distiller, a so-called Denaturants. It is to prevent someone from drinking the disinfectant. Whoever it is, nevertheless, doing it “for a couple of hours sick as a dog”, says Humbel. “He never does that again.” The Denaturants also ensures that the disinfectant is exempt from taxes.
“First weeks of Horror”
A 5-Liter canister costs 220 Swiss francs. The Half-Liter Fläschli glass there for 24 francs. Humbel was lucky. First, he wanted to fill the disinfectant in special bottles. No Chance. Everything not sold out, available. “In operation, we have had, fortunately, enough of the small bottles and cans, which helped us extremely to be able to get started immediately,” he says.
“The first two weeks of the production of the Horror were,” admits Humbel. “The Whole thing was very exciting. But this is also a great Chrampf. I’ve hardly slept,” he recalls. He expects the Run to be the disinfectant will continue for five to six weeks. “Then we should have the Situation in Switzerland back in the handle. Hopefully.”
Finally Humbel can pursue his normal activities. The bakers throughout the country with cherry for cherry stems provide. That makes half of its annual sales, he says. And finally back to his 15 cherry specialties burn, Gin and Rum. More and more in organic quality, he emphasized.
I Have the corona virus or just the flu?
The Coronavirus spreads further – also in Switzerland. Especially in the flu season, you can assess for yourself whether one is ill with the Coronavirus, or whether you just have an ordinary flu. The differences are subtle, but they exist. VIEWS is defined.
protection against Coronavirus
recommendations of the Federal office for health, how you can protect yourself:
wash your hands: Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use a Hand sanitizer. Don’t sneeze, you Sneeze into the hands, or cough in a handkerchief; or if you have none, in the bend of your elbow. Handkerchiefs to dispose of properly: paper towels, should be disposed of after use in a closed waste bin. You stay in fever and cough necessarily at home.
contact minimize
Stay home and avoid wherever possible contact with people. You go only in the following exceptional situations, out of the house: the food doctor shopping or pharmacy visit / the home office is for your job not possible / you have to help other people. You keep if possible 2 meters distance to your fellow human beings, for example, in a line or at meetings. Avoid contact with people breathing or have a cough. You avoid public transport. You can be all that is possible to home deliver. Important: No welcome kiss, no hugs, no shaking hands.
stay Informed
Note the local instructions and recommendations. Strictly to the rules and announcements of the authorities. Infoline Coronavirus: 058 463 00 00, 24 hours a day available Info-page of the BAG: bag-coronavirus.
when should the ch one to the doctor?
do not Go out in the symptoms (difficulty breathing, cough, or fever) in the Public and contact you immediately – first by phone, a Doctor, a doctor or a health care facility.
remains The Situation until Further notice. The Federal government informed in regular intervals about the current developments. It applies now more than ever: peace and quiet preserved, and the thing in common to serve.