See videomøtene who did not go entirely as planned

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Since the middle of march, after the government imposed the most stringent measures in peacetime, many worked from home. As many as six out of ten of the Norwegian workforce had a home office in the previous week.

With the home office also came videomøtene.

Bad microphones, children or animals who suddenly pops up, a camera that should not have been on or an unexpected filter. The pitfalls are many.

Here are some of the videomøtene who did not go entirely according to plan.

Was a potato

Between my home office and the bed is the way often short. It can make it tempting to stand up a little bit later than normal.

But, for Lizet Ocampo, political editor for the organization People for the American Way, there was not much sleep that was the problem on Monday morning when she connected on Teams.

Organisasjonslederen was in fact a potato.

Monday morning we had our meeting, and usually I have the camera on. When we started meeting, I saw that I was a potato, she said to Buzzfeed.

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on the Friday prior to the meeting loaded Ocampo down multiple filters on the phone to make fredagspilsen with your friends a little more fun.

on Monday morning, when she connected on videomøtet, she had forgotten that Friday’s filter was still on. And despite repeated attempts to remove the filter, the remained she a potato.

– As a progressive organisation, do we fight for fairness and opportunities for all, and in the last three years there has been a little tough. I just gave up and remained a potato in the rest of the conversation, she says to the site.

the Unexpected guest in the home office

the Radio økonomikommentator Cecilia Becker was suddenly an unexpected guest in the background when she was interviewed live at home.

the Radio økonomikommentator, Cecilie Langum Becker, had with him a “guest” in the live broadcast. You need javascript to see the video.

the Radio økonomikommentator, Cecilie Langum Becker, had with him a “guest” in the live broadcast.

READ ALSO: Opinion home movies creates the closeness in time of crisis

the Son Linus (8) snuck namely of the broadcast.

the Interview with Becker can remind a bit about the classic interview with Korea expert Robert Kelly when his two children came into the room during an interview with the BBC. During the call, the trying his wife, desperate to gather up the kids and get them out.

The little slot was one of the biggest viral videos in 2017.

Without trousers

the Home office do not set the same requirements for klesvalg, and many may choose to have on some more comfortable clothes.

In a video call, where only the upper body seem, it can also be tempting to have on very little clothing.

It has, among others, the us department store Walmart marked. They see an increase in sales of tops, but not pants, when many of the home office have realised that they only need to look professional from the waist and up.

Other times the dress one is fine, while others in the family do not follow quite the same style:

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Some have discussed whether the clip is real, while others think the situation spreads joy, and shows something that others might recognise themselves in.

Others at home might get a challenge about her sudden need to retrieve something:

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Or they simply should pass:

Loads Twitter content Could not load the content, but you can go to twittermeldingen. The art on the wall

Gareth Barlow, a journalist for the BBC, believes it is important to always check the wall behind – and perhaps even more importantly – any art, in order to avoid embarrassing situations.

Loads Twitter content Could not load the content, but you can go to twittermeldingen. New colleagues

Because the country’s schools and kindergartens are closed, there are many who work from home with small children.

It can be a challenge.

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Many pets get extra time with their owner. Some also get more skjermtid:

Human Mina was interviewed live on air – then get Pepsi, grab a sock, You need javascript to see the video.

After easter, many will still have a home office. Then it can be a good idea to follow the tip that NRK-journalist Gaute Beckett Holmslet, got of his wife:

Gaute Beckett Holmslet was warned about wife’s Skype meeting with this yellow patch.

Photo: Gaute Beckett Holmslet More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoØkonomiSpør NRK Status NorgeSist updated: 13.04.20206516Smittet203Innlagt134Dødestatus for Norway