The scale of the pandemic coronavirus

The scale of the pandemic coronavirus

The actual number infected with the coronavirus in the world considerably exceeds the official statistics. To such conclusion the American scientists, the results of their study published in the journal Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. About it reports “”.

Scientists at the University of Augusta made a mathematical model of the spread of coronavirus in the world. When compiling a model, they took into account the official data on the infected, information about population density, level of urbanization, the distribution of age groups in a particular region, as well as data on survival of virus on different surfaces.

Russia has developed a cure for coronavirus

The model was drawn up on 9 March. By this point, according to scientists, the number of infected in Italy was more official data, 30 thousand people, in Spain, 87 per thousand people in the United States about 90 thousand people. In China, the statistics do not include from 12 to 89 million cases.

In this case, experts indicate that after March 9, the mathematical calculations become closer to the official data that talks about the improvement of the quality of the testing for coronavirus.

As reported by “the Rambler”, informed the mayor explained that the dynamics of the incidence of coronavirus in the Russian capital is due to increased efficiency of test systems.