The Rosselkhoznadzor will test cats and dogs for coronavirus

The Rosselkhoznadzor will test cats and dogs for coronavirus

Photos: Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

the Federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) will test cats and dogs for the presence of coronavirus infection. About it reports Agency “Moscow” with reference to the Advisor to the head of Yulia in a few words.

“Rosselkhoznadzor to prevent rooting COVID-19 in the populations of susceptible domestic animals planning by its institutions to assess the degree of spread of the disease among domesticated companion animals,” said Melano.

Expert of the Rosselkhoznadzor Nikita Lebedev stressed that the first phase of the research will be conducted with animals that have contact with infected people. He noted that testing for the virus from all animals makes no sense.

Lebedev said that the first kits for the diagnosis will arrive in a large city with a growing number of infections, as well as in subjects of the Russian Federation with international airports. He explained that the test will also be animals that are returned to owners from abroad.

Earlier, the President of the Russian kennel Union vet Mr Oraevsky told that animals suffer coronaviruses and other types of infections, but they are not transmitted.

the specialist Also denied reports that dogs infected COVID-19. He noted that dogs are not receptive to the new coronavirus, which is not true of cats. Oraevsky stressed that in cats the infection can manifest in the form of coughing and sneezing, which are similar to those symptoms that occur in people. However, while there are no confirmed cases where people contracted the coronavirus from a cat said the vet.

Meanwhile, experts of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Huajumbaro University of agriculture earlier reported that about 15% of the investigated cats Wuhan are carriers COVID-19. Scientists have studied blood samples taken from 102 cats after the outbreak of coronavirus and 39 before the outbreak. Was that before replicationinjured COVID-19 animals were not infected with the virus, but after flash 15 of the 102 cats were found to be infected.

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