The residents said that think about the soft approach by the authorities for a pandemic

The residents said that think about the soft approach by the authorities for a pandemic

“RG” talked with residents to learn what they think about this approach.

Leonard Aukea, data analyst, city of Gothenburg:

can Not say that the pandemic changed my life, but it has become what is called “isolated”. Like many others, I work from home, more time to devote to the repair, very rarely on the street and no longer go to the gym. But I still buy the products in a local shop, go for the materials and I can’t say that life around stopped. People rarely go to restaurants and cafes, but still meet friends and go for a run. The streets are not crowded, but not resemble a Ghost town. Masks on someone I have not seen sellers in stores “protected” from customers plastic glasses at the box office, in some places there were stands with antiseptics.

Photo: Vladimir Anosov/WP the Ministry of health explained how to differentiate coronavirus from SARS

Many schools and universities have switched to distance learning, open are only secondary schools and kindergartens. However, I recently saw on the news one school Director, who was outraged that parents stopped bringing their children to class. Probably, I’m afraid. But my son still goes to kindergarten. However, now he is a bit of a cold, but when you heal, you will be able to go back, no medical examination it is not necessary. I should see that within two days after recovery, he felt good. I’m no expert in this matter, but as for me – the action that is taking our government now, is enough. Abroad for some reason, many think that the Swedish authorities do not show pants.Yu initiative. Show. Just in our country, another culture. The Swedes don’t need to push. If the government recommends not to go out and stay home, people will listen. We are more suited form of recommendations, it is not necessary to introduce the laws, fines and other penalties. They will only cause a negative reaction, others think that the government encroaches on their rights. I agree that we need restrictions, but not in such a rigid form, as in other countries. But in General, many in Sweden think that sooner or later the coronavirus sick of everything, and to escape from it makes no sense. The important thing is to begin to control its speed, to prevent what the government says – overload of the health system and economic collapse. Especially since, as far as I can see, the majority suffers economically from this crisis, rather than in terms of health. And worried all the more for it.

Avon Hultquist, a customer service representative to work with customers, Kalmar:

Despite the pandemic, people live normally and continue to try to take everything from life. The main rule: if you have no signs of sickness, then you can work and plan your life the way you did before. But the onus is on you. Before you do something, everyone should think twice about the consequences and security. I would not say that we have the town empty streets (although it depends on the places in Stockholm and other large cities the situation is slightly different). People still walk with it without masks but still not forget about the distance and hygiene. Many now go for a walk in the Park or in the woods where there are no people. Due to the fact that in one place should not be more than 50 people, a restaurant to go only if you have booked a table: so the guide is easier to control number of visitors. While we are constantly advised to take food with takeaway. My parents usually go to work, so they both feel good and yet are not in risk. But my grandparents, who for 80-85 years, sitting at home, and we do not visit them, although my father brings them food. We communicate with them via Facebook and phone.

Photo: Reuters How Europe went on the path of self-isolation

the Swedish government believes that the people he is able to make the right decisions. It does not need to involve military or the police who fined us for each access to the street. Authorities recommend us to stay at home, particularly recently, we were asked to refrain from traveling around the country for Easter. But while companies are advised to continue to work. Because panic, and we all in Sweden understand, bad for the economy. Sooner or later the crisis will pass, and life will continue, and we must do all that it wasn’t like a disaster. Yeah, maybe we are naive. But scientists say the only way to make immunity to disease is to open up to her. So I think only need those strict measures concerning the protection of the most vulnerable groups of the population that is elderly.

the Only thing that really causes concern is the fact that we do not have enough medical staff. I know nurses, they are great professionals and are accustomed to working in conditions of labour shortage. But they still suffer a great deal due to the fact that too little of protective materials, they have to defend themselves even rainwear. This despite the fact that many private companies have joined the production of masks.