Survey: Statsjob in the province could well be filled

Government jobs which have relocated to the province, have managed to find qualified workers.

Kontorstolene is occupied but not in all cases with førsteprioriteterne.

the Majority of the many agencies and institutions, which in recent years has been moved out of the capital, is now in place in their new environment.

All around it sounds, it has been possible to recruit the necessary non-executive employees. It writes Jyllands-Posten.

51 by the external manufacturing institutions and, thus, the vast majority have answered the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten survey.

Some are either not finished with the moving process, or all of the employees are moved.

44 answered “yes” to, that it has “been possible to recruit the necessary non-executive employees after the exodus”. No one has the answer “no”.

– It has been surprisingly easy to find very skilled people, says Michael Karvø, economy and communications manager in Nota, the national library for people with reading difficulties.

Note moved in October last year 55 full-time equivalents from Copenhagen to Nakskov. Only 13 of the former employees took with.

But although it has managed to recruit, it does not have all the places been, without compromises.

– If we had had the normal pool to choose from, had the composition might have been a little different, ” says John Smidt, director of The Economic Council, if the secretariat is moved to Horsens.

Politically, it has been a goal that the relocation would ensure and maintain strong professional environments in the new location. Each of the institutions indicate that this goal is not fully met.

for Example, corresponds to the Ethical Council, which has moved four positions from Copenhagen to Kolding, it sounds that there has been a videnstab, which makes it harder to meet deadlines.
