The head of the chamber predicts increase in the Russian “army of unemployed” three times before the end of the year

The head of the chamber predicts increase in the Russian "army of unemployed" three times before the end of the year

the Number of unemployed in Russia this year may increase by several times and reach 8 million people by the end of the year, said in an interview to RBC the Chairman of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin the head of the chamber predicts increase in the Russian the Number of unemployed in Russia this year may increase by several times and reach 8 million people by the end of the year reported in an interview to RBC the Chairman of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin
AGN Moscow / Alexander Avilov, the head of the chamber predicts increase in the Russian “army of unemployed” three times before the end of the year

the Number of unemployed in Russia this year may increase by several times and reach 8 million people by the end of the year, said in an interview to RBC the Chairman of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin.

He noted that now the demand for some types of services have completely disappeared: unclaimed were restaurant services, entertainment and sports. “Companies do not know how many have to live like this, forced some people to dismiss” – he said, adding that the number of layoffs in other countries is also growing explosively in the US, according to him, fired to 700 thousand people a week.

In Russia, around 30% of employees sent on unpaid leave, but if the situation drags on, they can be fired.

Comparing the situation with the 2008-2009 crisis, Kudrin said that they had taken a massive decision to support the business. “We have not escaped the cuts, but many have been left afloat, including companies that are not always effective. In 2008-2009, we were not given the opportunity to die weak,” – said the head of the accounting chamber. Now, according to him, the situation is similar, and the government ought to do the same. It is possible that “reboot” of the economy, which will entail the growth of demand and consumption and renewal work of small and medium-sized businesses, will begin next year.

“It is this year, when we greatly increase the number of unemployed may need to make the minimum wage much higher, and then a year later, when the situation stabiliziruemost, bring it to a value that must not incentivize people to remain unemployed For a critical period of the year or a few months, I would even now increased unemployment benefits”, – said Kudrin.

Previously, the Russian government published on its website an approved list of industries that are most affected due to the coronavirus. The list includes air transportation, airport operation, transportation, culture, leisure and entertainment, health activities and sports, tourism, hospitality, catering, organization of additional education, organization of conferences and exhibitions, as well as household services (repair, Laundry, dry cleaning, hair salons and beauty salons).

Later section “Culture, organization of leisure and entertainment” was complemented by activities in the field of cinema. In addition, the list includes new category of “Activities in the field of health”, which contains the position of the “Stmotologichesky practice”. These industries will receive a six-month deferral of all taxes, small businesses will also get a reprieve on insurance premiums to the state Fund and rental of Federal property. In addition, the government has extended the preferential terms of loans, imposed a moratorium on bankruptcy and temporarily banned from conducting scheduled and unscheduled inspections.

it Also became known that the representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, has received a deferment on loans 6 months to pay the accumulated taxes and fees in equal installments in the year following the expiration of vacation credit. On the corresponding draft of the resolution said during the meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers the Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Mishustin, who was quoted by RNS.