Crimea warned against the Moscow scenario

Crimea warned against the Moscow scenario

If the citizens do not strictly follow a policy of isolation in Crimea could be repeated “Moscow scenario,” the spread of coronavirus. The head of the Republic Sergey Aksenov said at a meeting of the operational headquarters for the prevention of infection.

The hospital closed in the Crimea because of the coronavirus

According to the head of regional management Rospotrebnadzora Natalia Penkovsky, Crimea is currently only at the beginning of the development of the epidemiological situation. Currently we see patients who became infected on March 27-28, prior to the introduction of restrictive measures in the Crimea, where the situation in Moscow is radically different from the one we see today, said Penkovsky.

“on the Moscow experience, we can suggest how we can develop… we Have everything before my eyes is… Or will be a Moscow scenario with the maximum number of bans, or is still our consciousness will lead to the fact that the number of infections through discipline, order will be less than in other regions. Everything is in our hands, including the duration of isolation”, — commented on this information Sergey Aksenov.

We will remind, as of April 13, in the Republic of Crimea was 32 cases of infection, and in Sevastopol — six, and 16 people have already recovered and been discharged.