TREAT employee as used pirated vernemaske tested positive for the koronaviruset

the Person has been tested several times after the fake stitches were used. The first samples were negative. A few days ago, the employees symptoms, and has remained at home after this.

A new test showed so that he or she is infected by the Covid-19.

Although it may not can be determined that the employee was infected because of the use of pirated masks, computes the hospital it likely that this may be the reason, writes the TREAT in a press release.

– It is very regrettable, first, that we have had pirated masks that has not been of good enough quality in circulation, and that we thus have employees who have been exposed to a risk that we are very reluctant to want to be exposed to, ” says the managing director of the TREAT, Anita Schumacher.

200 employees had to be tested

20. march got to the hospital a delivery of several thousand åndedrettsmasker, also called P3-s, provided by a private operator. The masks are a part of smittevernutstyret used among other things in the work with koronasmittede patients.

While the hospital waited on the description of the product, was around 800 stitches by mistake taken in the use of the 150 to 200 employees at a insolatpost by intensivmedisinsk department.

It without that TREAT knew how tight the masks actually are.

the Masks were then analysed at the Norwegian Defence research establishment. Where was it concluded that the sts does not meet the requirements for respiratory protection.

a Total of 21 TREAT employees tested positive for Covid-19. Three of these are now had.