Montenegro began the transfer of Russians flying home

Montenegro began the transfer of Russians flying home

BELGRADE, April 13 – RIA Novosti. Collection and delivery to the airport of Podgorica citizens of the Russian Federation for export to Russia flight began in Montenegro, told RIA Novosti at the Russian Embassy.

“According to the plan began in the morning and continues the collection of the Russian citizens who had previously applied for export from the Russian Federation, on human settlements in Montenegro and their transfer to Podgorica airport. It is expected that the flight of “Aeroflot” will fly from Podgorica to Moscow at 15.30 (16.30 MSK)”, — said the Agency in the Embassy.

the Exact number of passengers will be known after the registration.

the Russian Embassy has told RIA Novosti that 18-21 March from Montenegro seven flights were evacuated 1344 citizen of the Russian Federation of about 1.8 thousand remaining in the country. Previously Montenegro had suspended air, rail and bus service, closed the borders to foreigners in the framework of the fight against the spread of coronavirus. On Saturday, the country allowed the departure of Russian citizens remaining on its territory due to the restrictive measures against the coronavirus, flight April 13.

Russia on the background of the pandemic coronavirus as of March 27, stopped regular and Charter flights with other countries. With the exception of flying associated with the export of Russian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation from abroad, foreign citizens abroad, as well as cargo, mail, ambulance and humanitarian flights, stretches of empty planes to maintenance, transit flights with a landing to refuel or change crew in Russia and flights on certain decisions of the government.