Poll: 50% of drivers supported a ban around the streets in Russia

Poll: 50% of drivers supported a ban around the streets in Russia

Exactly 50% of respondents favoured the introduction of restrictions across the country. Another 27% believe that such hard measures are needed only in regions with unfavorable epidemiological situation. And only 23% believe that travel by car in an era of coronavirus is quite secure and no restrictions should not be entered.

Photo: Alexander Korolkov/ WG Moscow began to issue passes for movement in the city

“Instead of days off it was necessary to introduce a state of emergency throughout the country for 1-2 weeks, curfews, – said one of the drivers. – Served would be revealed sick and would quietly continue to work. And now a complete madhouse: someone is working, someone not running, but walking or fry kebabs in the nearby woods”.

the Capital’s motorists have the most polar points of view. Among Muscovites 54% in favor of a complete ban. But his opponents here than in the whole country – 27%.

Most of the freedom were the drivers of the Saratov region, where the ban was supported by only 37% of respondents, and Kamchatka (28.5 per cent). But in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the Volgograd region the percentage of residents supporting a ban, was the highest – 60%.