Vilfand said about the weather in the capital region this week

Vilfand said about the weather in the capital region this week

Photos: Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

In Moscow and the Moscow region in the coming week is expected to APR typical changeable weather, on Tuesday in the afternoon hours in the East of the capital region will become warmer to 18 degrees, and in the West, the air warms up to a maximum of 9 degrees. About it RIA Novosti said the scientific Director of the hydrometeorological center of Russia Roman Vilfand.

According to him, on Monday in the capital is expected to be very warm weather is about 14-16 degrees, precipitation is not projected.

Vilfand said that the weather for the coming week will determine the cyclone.

“He will move, and on Tuesday, Muscovites will be near the center of the cyclone. This means cloudy, gloomy weather with precipitation. On Tuesday, it will be difficult to distinguish day from night,” – said the expert.

According to him, the temperature at night will be 7-9 degrees, and a maximum day of 7-12 degrees. Rains are expected.

“on Tuesday in the West region will be 7-9 degrees in the afternoon, and in the East region of 17-18 degrees Celsius,” – said Vilfand.

Scientific Director of the meteorologist also reported that the expected wind which will blow with a speed of 15-17 meters per second, and Wednesday’s possible snow.

on Wednesday, forecasters predict near zero at night and during the day to 7 degrees Celsius. On Thursday, it is expected that the air warms up to 9 degrees.

Earlier Vilfand said that in some regions of Russia are expected temperature below normal to four degrees. According to him, it is expected that in the Rostov region, in Krasnodar Krai, the Stavropol region, the temperature will be below normal by 2-4 degrees. Also in these regions the temperature will fluctuate. He explained that on Monday the temperature will rapidly fall down on Tuesday and Wednesday, they will rise to normal values, and Thursday back down to four degrees below normal.

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