Spanish coronadødstal rises again after period of decline

Button 17.000 coronasmittede people have now lost their lives in Spain. 619 people are registered died Sunday.

After three days, with a stable decrease in the number of coronadødsfald goes curve now again the wrong way for the spaniards.

619 coronasmittede persons have been confirmed to have died that day. It informs Spain’s health ministry on Sunday morning.

This is an increase from Saturday’s 510 registered coronadødsfald, which was the lowest number in the country since the 23. march.

Previously sounded the death toll on the 605 on Friday, 683 Thursday and 757 on Wednesday.

Sunday’s numbers, marking thus a rise after the fall three days in a row.

there have 16.972 people have now lost their lives in Spain after having been infected with the coronavirus.

166.019 has been confirmed infected with the coronavirus in the country.

Spain is one the countries that is allerhårdest hit by the infectious coronavirus. The country has the second-most smittetilfælde after the UNITED states and tredjeflest confirmed deaths, surpassed only by Italy and the UNITED states.

Spain’s socialist prime minister, Pedro Sanchez, has extended a nødretstilstand in the country to 26. april. It implies, that the spaniards shall keep within and only move out to buy food and medicine.

Sanchez said Thursday in the Spanish parliament that “the fire, which was triggered by the pandemic is to be brought under control”.

Coronavirusset bread originally out in the megapolis Wuhan in central China in late december last year.

Since then, it has spread rapidly to countries across the globe.

globally, nearly 1.8 million people have been confirmed infected with the coronavirus. Button the 110,000 infected people have lost their lives.

In Denmark is 260 persons confirmed dead after having been infected.
