Yellow level weather risk announced in Moscow

Yellow level weather risk announced in Moscow

Photos: Moscow 24/Nikita Simonov

Yellow level weather risk objavili in Moscow and Moscow region on Monday, April 13.

As reported by the hydrometeorological center, the weather is potentially dangerous because of gusty winds from 10:00 to 19:00.

Will blow South-West wind with gusts up to 17 meters per second.

In the capital region is expected cloudy weather with clearings weather and up to 16 degrees Celsius.

the atmospheric pressure drop is 742 mm Hg. A relative humidity of about 30 percent.

it was Noted that the region was established spring weather with mejdunarodnye fluctuations of meteorological elements.

Moscow was established changeable weather.

see also

the March in Moscow was one of the warmest in historiiwymiana told when the heat is established in Central Russia