The police hunting down several perpetrators for robbery against the young in Oslo

It has in the course of the last few hours have been carried out several robberies and ransforsøk against young people on the T-banestrekningen from Majorstuen and up to Smedstad. We have a lot of resources on the issues, notified the police of Oslo on Twitter Sunday night.

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the Police informing VG about multiple cases in the period between the hours of 19.40 and 20.15

Vinderen Smestad Majorstuen

Police suspect that the same gang who have participated in the various events.

– We are left with an impression that there is a group of up to ten people, but that it is different how many who are actively involved in each ransforsøk, says operasjonsleder Vidar Pedersen to the daily newspaper Dagbladet.

Threatened with a knife

In Vinderen was a 14-year-old boy threatened with a knife to give out merkeklær and Air Pods (wireless ear buds) inside the Tube.

An hour later, another boy tried robbed in the same area, but to have come away from.

Gjerningspersonene described by witnesses as young people with foreign origin.

the Police will take this major seriously and consider it as a gross crime.

At 23-the time Sunday evening, informs the Police that they have obtained a good deal of information in the events. Something they hope can provide answers in the ongoing investigation.