Anders made the quarantine song when he I was longing home

– Several of us have been in quarantine, and we sit on each of our hyblar around the country, ” explains Anders Vassli Break from Vik.

He is musikkstudent and studying at the music conservatory in Trondheim. This year there will be no easter break in the heimbygda.

– And is it easily done to go on the wall when one just sits and looks into the house next door. To fill the days with something, so made I a song. And since I have so many good friends, I got them to sing. Then mixed Sindre Came from the Luster of this together.

Recorded every man for himself

It is Break that has made the song. He sent the notary and audio file to the other eight, which five are from various places in the county of Sogn and Fjordane. None of them had heard him before, or trained together before they recorded.

We have recorded a song each for us. It was a little bit excited, we wanted to create a product in layers where we do not have møtst to practice and no one has heard the song before.

But it was nice to sing into say vote every man for himself, and at the same time they filmed. Afterwards it was put together into a music video with nice images. Brekke says the text of the flunkande new song not is about so very much.

– the Text is the only korona, quarantine added and so that we will not have been tasted joikakaker in a long time. He is pretty banal and easily summed up our daily lives, he laughs.

There are several others who have had similar project, and Break have been a little inspired.

– the First draft was made for two-three weeks ago. It was before the other videoane came. Eventually we became inspired by the others who posted and thought it was fun to make yourself.

ORGANIST: Anders Vassli Break from Vik to take a master’s degree in organ.

Photo: Kristoffer Hylland Skogheim have longed heim

the Breakout would have been in Vik this easter, but says it is important to keep himself arouse, even if it is not suffering. He admits that he have longed home.

– Yes, when one has been in the middle of the city in four months as if it had been nice to come home. Påskeføret is pretty low on skills compared with what I is the van with. M a we have it too nice here. We shall not complain.

Now he hopes people will set the price on what they have created.

– It is only an interesting contribution. We did so much for our own part to get the time to go. And it may benefit others is the extra something. and that it can urged others to keep smitteverntiltaka which is mandatory.

Had to postpone påsketurné

Also others have made musikkvideoar despite the fact that the musicians sit on either its place.

Koronapandemien do that Norheimsund and Øystese Ungdomskor have had to shift this year’s påsketurné to the autumn. In place, have half the choir sunge the “Via Dolorosa” from the homes. In addition, some previous kormedlemmer contributed.

We recorded a disc with påskesongar in the last year, this is a song from there, ” explains the conductor Vidar Sangolt.

the Video has received some avspelingar. The choir has been in existence for 52 years and many have a relation to it, ” says the conductor.

the Initiative came from Øyvind Nyborg, who also is the soloist in the video. He is studying to practice at the European Film College in Denmark.

On this way I had combined the two interests in a fun project, ” says Nyborg.

the Via Dolorosa, “the way”, was the road Jesus walked for you and me up to Calvary for so very many years ago. Since…

Published by Norheimsund & Øystese Ungdomskor (NØUK) Friday, 10. april 2020

Kringkastingsorkestret have also made music from heimekontora under koronakrisa. Here is the ORCHESTRA’s version of “All by myself”.

SEE VIDEO: Heimekontor can be einsamt, also for CORK. But who is not fond of playing this udødelege klassikaren alone together? You need javascript to see the video.

SEE VIDEO: Heimekontor can be einsamt, also for CORK. But who is not fond of playing this udødelege klassikaren alone together?