Coronadødsfald in the UNITED states exceeds for the first time in 2000 in a day

the UNITED states has for the first time registered over 2000 coronarelaterede deaths in the course of 24 hours. In addition, the number of infected persons in the UNITED states has risen to over 500,000.

According to figures from the Johns Hopkins University on Saturday morning is 2021 persons died in the period from at 05.00 Friday pm to 05.00 Saturday local time. In the corresponding period of the previous day, there were 1904 deaths.

Total is 18.693 persons in the UNITED states died as a result of virusudbruddet. Only Italy has as a country, a higher death toll with 18.849 deaths.

the Number of infected people according to the Johns Hopkins statement passed half a million with a total of 500.399. Approximately 29.000 been reported as healthy again.

Coronavirusset has hit New York City and the state of New York the hardest. Alone in AMERICA’s largest city, there is so registered model no. 5820 deaths.

In the whole of the land is almost 175.000 persons confirmed infected. It is over three times as many as in the neighboring state of New Jersey, where there is registered button 55.000 infected.

Five states – Michigan, California, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Louisiana all have around 20,000 infected.

Alaska, where the population density is very low compared to the rest of the UNITED states, has the lowest number of infected by the länder with 246.

In its daily press briefing on Friday, said the president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, that he believe that fewer than 100,000 people come to die in the UNITED states as a result of coronaudbruddet.

Trump see signs that the curve of the infected is about to flatten out as a result of that people both comply with the authorities ‘ request as far as possible to stay at home and keep good distance to the other outside of the home.

Deborah Birx, who is the coordinator for The White House’ the corona-effort, believes that smittekurven is starting to flatten out.

– It gives us great hope, she said at the press conference, according to Reuters.
