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Laschet : Need a roadmap back to “responsibly normality

18.00 North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), calls in his Easter address to an exit timetable from the restrictions to contain the Corona of a pandemic. “We need a roadmap that shows us the way in a responsible and normality”, says Laschet, according to the speech text in his speech, which is briefly shown before 20 clock in the WDR. In view of the negative consequences of the Corona-crisis is not only economic in nature, he was convinced that the willingness to surrender “, too, need a prospect of normalization”.

In this difficult situation, the government and the Opposition, the Federal government and the country tried to decide as much as possible together, adds Laschet. “It is clear that Nothing will be as it was.” But with more Knowledge about the Virus, responsibility, consideration, and protection, “can we enter into a new Phase of our cooperation”. This is not a big jump, but with “many small, cautious steps.”

“muster The more we all the patience, discipline and a sense of community, the easier the return to succeed in life,” says Laschet. “We will pass this test. Our country can do this,” the CDU-politician is confident. “At the end of life wins.”

Laschet: “A time with great Care”

Laschet highlights, never since its founding in 1946, the country had experienced “a severe test”. It was “a time with great Care”: in order to love people, to their health, the workplace, the economic existence. Easter will not be celebrated as usual, “we save lives”. Particularly painful was it that families would continue to remain at a distance. “All of this is hard.”

The father of the country also thanked all the citizens, “that you keep to the rules that you keep a distance and stick together”. His thanks, he also spoke to those who cared for other people shopped for. “We do everything, so much of this spirit in the post-crisis period in our country alive.” Also, the self Easter “hard and tirelessly” worked, thanked Laschet: “The Doctors, nurses and nurses, rescue workers, police officers, sellers and sellers in the supermarkets and the many others who ensure that our life, our everyday life, as well as it continues to run can.”

Armin Laschet speaks on Easter Sunday at 19.55 PM

Easter Sunday, 12. April, 17.27 PM: , The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (CDU) meets on Easter Sunday in front of the cameras. As the WDR reports, will speak to the politicians about the existing measures against the spread of the Virus and a return to normality. The West German radio transmits the address to 19.55.

  • Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia speaks – So you can see the address by Armin Laschet in the Live-Stream

basis, it could be the paper of a group of experts from North Rhine-Westphalia. This has presented measures and proposals for relaxations of the strict Corona limitations. Therefore, it could not be loose thinking, if it was clear that the health care system “is not in sight overwhelmed” and conditions for a better “Monitoring” of the crisis, were created. But then the return to normality could be stepped up “gradually”. The paper of the German press Agency, before that, the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper had reported”.

To belong to the group of experts, among other things, the Bonn virologist Hendrik Streeck, the former Federal constitutional court judge Udo di Fabio and the Director of the Cologne Institute for economic research, Michael huether.

Steinmeier is to appeal to the people

19.45 : Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the citizens of the Corona has urged crisis to patience, discipline and solidarity. At the same time, he said on Saturday in a televised address to Easter is optimistic: “We can and we will continue to grow in this position.” His whole speech of the Federal President went on to say, “Each of them has saved people’s lives”