build The highest towers. A fantasy-theme Park design: When Building with Lego, almost anything is possible. Also, the children, the elementary school in Plötzkau were in the “Brave”-in the past few weeks in the emergency care, were creative and built. But not only that. “We have turned away even small Video Clips,” says school Director Susanne Lietz.
this film also Easter greetings to the girls and boys delivered, the will remain in the past weeks at home and independently of their tasks had to edit were. These tasks were able to download the children on the Homepage.
“to do With all the children together to learn but more fun.”
“Our students receive a weekly schedule in the various compartments via our website,” says Susanne Lietz. And although there were a lot of positive feedback, the school leader also knows that many miss her classmates. “Because to do with all the children together to learn but more fun.”
“Easter special” on the website of the school
In the Easter holidays, there were no weekly tasks, but also the teachers to come up with something. On the Homepage of the school there is a “Easter special” with craft ideas, a letter in secret writing and also the video clips, which have turned the children in the emergency care – in the Plötzkauer elementary school, there were between three and seven.
I made the students a lot of fun, says Susanne Lietz. In addition, the boys and girls have applied these things to Build you can learn from the technology of instruction: according to the plans, films and cutting, a presentation to prepare. This was as a primary school unique stresses Lietz.
art classes for the Little
Normally, start of the art-teaching in the secondary schools. But no matter how technically the children well-versed are: a teacher had come to the idea to call for a competition to turn a small Easter greeting and send it to the elementary school.
“Lego, K’nex or other things to Build, actually any home. You could also use things from the kitchen or the workshop, this is a Challenge to build,“ says Susanne Lietz. The imagination had no limits. She emphasizes that anyone can participate in this competition, and not only to students of the Brave-elementary school. “I’m curious on how much response we will encounter.” The most beautiful and funniest Clips will then be likely to put on the Homepage.
Who would like to participate, send short Video: (mz)
This article was written by Susanne Schlaikier
*The contribution of “competition for students: Young movie maker rotate Clips” is published by Central German newspaper. Contact with the executives here.
Central German newspaper