Man jailed for fatal attack with hammer and knife

A young man was seriously injured when he was påkørt and exposed to the knife and punches at a gas station in Odder.

Several stabbings. Several blows with a hammer. And two rear-end.

A violent assault occurred, according to the prosecution on Friday at a gas station in the Odder south of Aarhus, where a 19-year-old man was in mortal danger.

Subsequently arrested police a 51-year-old man was charged with attempted murder.

Saturday, he has been produced in grundlovsforhør by the Court in Aarhus.

Here you have a judge elected to varetægtsfængsle him in just under four weeks until Thursday the 7. may. This was stated by the senior prosecutor Jesper Rubow to Ritzau.

Grundlovsforhøret held behind closed doors, but before the doors were closed, was the charges against the 51-year-old read.

He is charged for attempted manslaughter by the service station to have stabbed victim several times with a knife, have beaten him several times with a hammer, and by having påkørt him twice with a car with the intent to kill him, says Jesper Rubow.

The suspect admits the facts, but refuses guilty of attempted murder, explains senioranklageren.

the attack was committed on Banegårdsgade in the Otter. The 51-year-old stack from the site, but was found and arrested by the cops an hour later in the neighborhood.

After the attack the victim was in critical condition. Latest status from the east Jutland Police is, according to Ekstra Bladet, the 19-year-old are placed in artificial coma, but that you will try to wake him during the day on Saturday.

Jesper Rubow can not yet tell about the background of the attack, because grundlovsforhøret was closed to the public. For the same reason, it is not known whether the victim and the accused know each other – and if so, what relationship they have.

the pre-trial Detention was not in the ditch.
