The Czech Republic has accused Russia of inadequacy

The Czech Republic has accused Russia of inadequacy

Czech President Milos Zeman commented on the demolition of the monument to Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Konev. According to him, those who ordered to dismantle the monument, made a “stupid” and “ridiculous” act, however, Russia’s reaction to this seems inadequate.

to Marshal Konev, who liberated not only Prague, but he also liberated Auschwitz, belongs to the [historical] place in Prague. Those of his sculpture addresses, nothing in my life has not reached, — quotes his words TASS.

At the same time, Zeman stressed that Russia’s decision to Institute criminal proceedings against those responsible for the movement of the monument can be seen as interference in the internal Affairs of the Czech Republic.

It is interference in internal Affairs, it is counterproductive, despite the fact that the demolition of the monument to Marshal Konev feel stupid, — said the Czech leader.

The Czech authorities dismantled the statue of military commander on 3 April — half a century after installation. The monument was opened in 1980 on the square of international Brigade in memory of the liberation of the city from German forces in may 1945. The investigative Committee of Russia opened on the fact of dismantling of the monument to a criminal case.

Earlier, the Czech foreign Ministry explained the refusal to transfer to Moscow the monument to Marshal Konev. According to diplomats, the monument plan to move to one of the local museums. The Czech foreign Ministry stressed that the dismantling of the monument to the Czech party is not considered “a breach of the obligations of the Czech side, stemming from treaties with Russia.”