MIA: there is scammers sending SMS with the requirement to pay the penalty for violation of isolation

MIA: there is scammers sending SMS with the requirement to pay the penalty for violation of isolation

the Russian interior Ministry warns of increasing fraud associated with the payment of the fine by SMS for violation of the regime of self-isolation the interior Ministry warns of increasing fraud associated with the payment of the fine by SMS for violation of the regime of self-isolation
Photo: Sophia Sadurska / AGN Moscow

the interior Ministry warns of increasing fraud associated with the payment of the fine by SMS for violation of the regime of self-isolation, reports TASS.

“In the popular social networks there was information that the citizens received SMS messages on the revealed facts of violation of the regime of self-isolation and the need to pay a fine for the offenses.

these reports are untrue,” – said the press center of the interior Ministry.

Earlier in social networks there were screenshots of TEXT messages allegedly written on behalf of the FSIN, which reports a violation of a citizen regime of isolation and need therefore to pay a fine in the amount of 4 thousand rubles a phone number through the terminal of cellular communication. The delivery was made on Friday, April 10.

the number of subscribers in the Krasnoyarsk region. Those who called the number listed, was transferred to the number that allegedly belongs to the information service of the interior Ministry.

According to Group-IB company, messages about the necessity of payment of the fine was sent via SMS or message in messenger, the messages indicated surname, name and patronymic of the recipient.

Such a scheme crooks have used in the past year, when we sent out the notice about “fines” for visiting porn sites.

#Mudrosti denies:

In popular social networks there is information that citizens do #SMS messages on the revealed facts of violation of the regime of self-isolation and the need to pay a fine for the offenses.

these messages are not true! pic.twitter.com/RBcIssnHpQ

Website of the MIA of Russia (@mvd_official) April 12, 2020