What was the impact of quarantine on the children in family learning

What was the impact of quarantine on the children in family learning

– Families where children are home schooled, suffered less than others from the situation when the school closed, we were just discussing this issue with other mums – told “RG” Elena from Zvenigorod. Elena has four children. The eldest son, Leon, 6 th grade, there are three preschoolers. The eldest boy is homeschooled.

Photo: Alexander Korolkov/WG Yandex.The school appeared 150 “space” problems

– we Have the experience and ordinary schools, and private. Eventually settled on a private school – says Elena. – Tuition – 2700 rubles per year.

For the money the school makes the child to family education participation in national test papers, attestation, including the final, it’s use and OGE in the 9th grade. But how to we teach our kids to decide for themselves parents. They are also looking for teachers or become Tutors themselves.

– the school has a personal account, where the days are painted lesson plans, there are intermediate control and webinars on certain subjects, conferences in ZOOM, – said Elena.

At the time, Elena and a few moms who live close to each other, came together and “opened class”. There were seven children. “Class” is needed in order to drive on field trips, conducting a joint, live practical training. For example, in biology that all of these kids teaches the employee the biological station of Moscow state University (biological station is located in Zvenigorod).

Every day Laziness (the one in sixth grade) five lessons. Plus the preparation for Olympiads in maths via Skype with a teacher that has a degree in Economics. In a normal school this would hardly have been possible (and how, didactics, competencies, interdisciplinary skills – Oh, Oh!) And on family learning there are no restrictions. And by the way, math the boy is among the most favorite items. English four times a week, plus an hour of chess.

Photo: technograd.moscow “tekhnograd” opened a new educational program online

the Story leads us dad, “classmate”, a beautiful historian. In Russian literature and invited the scholar. Already looking for a teacher of physics for the next year. In our family I am the Minister of education! jokes Elena.

What has changed in the days of isolation for families like this? Out of school announced – national test work was moved to the end of April, they will be remote, and canceled all offline activities.

– We made a group of students with teachers in WhatsApp where students directly get the task clarification and ask questions. Children send the teachers photos of the executed works and patched. Teacher of biology holds directly in the class WhatsApp – voice messages – and gives test work (tutorial, by the way, already passed, it remains only to repeat). Math teacher will call students twice a week, ask what is not clear, but math, too, have all the material passed. – told the “RG” Elena. In this format, the parent becomes a tutor, I dismantled a lot with her son.

we Must pay tribute to ordinary schools. According to Helen, some public schools have coped well with the transition to remote work, organize conferences in ZOOM. “Really mom, of course, in shock, especially with several children in elementary school, when it is necessary to connect each to all programs and configure them,” she said.

Photo: Tatiana Andreeva/WG “Sirius” invites all students to an online Olympics

And here is what the “RG” one mother, whose children study at home. “Now all those on family learning was in a very favorable position compared to the rest. Forced across-the transition to distance learning is a headache for parents. Not to mention the teachers: they are only concerned with what answer the questions of parents and students. How and where to register, why is the problem with login or password, what should I do if the computer freezes… we Have the same in relation to study, nothing has changed. How engaged books (and more free video tutorials, look sometimes) and continue to do,” wrote me an e-mail Lyudmila.

How to change an ordinary school after the epidemic of the coronavirus? Displace whether distance learning “live” lessons, and gadgets will be released at schools from the ban? Maybe increase the number of parents who make a choice in favor of family education?


Elena Lenskaya, Director of the center for the study of education policy, Moscow school of social and economic Sciences:

– Parents applying for family education, as a rule, advanced, educated, active. They used to use Internet resources and today proved to be a winning situation. Certainly, with time, will more of those who prefer home education. In ordinary schools children all the time have accustomed to the fact that electronic resources are not serious, it’s a game, some schools even banned the gadgets. Now, it turned out that the only way to learn. In villages, small towns, I think a lot of problems. Well that workst the project “teach for Russia” when the teachers are young people from different backgrounds. Of about 700. They are young, sophisticated, “Ty” number.

Photo: Mikhail Mokrushin/RIA Novosti Quiz: Tricky questions from the school curriculum in the world

Sophia Lyalikova, tutor in the Department of sociology of the family and a demography of sociological faculty of Moscow state University:

– a Complex situation only uncovered the deepest problems of the educational system, which were not ready to make the jump to the online space. The most painless overcame his boxers, which have long been considered remote work as an integral part of the educational process. Another problem is the inability of parents to take on a new role of the teacher and curator, is ready to answer all questions that arise in the course of training. As for homeschoolers, 78 per cent of parents (research, MSU) noted that they are doing with the child, and, accordingly, during the period of study immersed in the educational process. Would family education widespread? This is an unlikely scenario. SO – it is a conscious choice of parents. Not every parent is ready to take on that responsibility.

Olga Husakova, Deputy Director InternetUrok.ru:

We observed a significant increase in the number of users – it is about how those who use free materials our library of video tutorials, as well as those who decided to study there during the regime of isolation. If, before the start of the pandemic we had about 12 thousand pupils, soon their number will reach 14 thousand. Easiest survive quarantine children who are studying in formse family education: for them, accustomed to self-study material, individual schedule, control over their own daily routine, time management. Probably, many parents and children who thought about family education, during quarantine months will try to learn in this mode and in the next academic year will be hesitant to jump into this form.

Who better to teach

Can be, for many parents this will be a surprise, but if you do not like ordinary public school, there are many other options of study. And not so expensive.

Photo: iStock How students cheat on online learning

1. Part-time education in a private school: lessons online on schedule with a live teacher, there is the possibility of “live” communication, learning is sometimes in the summer, the students ‘ presence is mandatory. In a week maybe 10-12 lessons of lectures plus practical classes. The school allows the passage of certifications, including the exam and the OGE.

2. Distance education in a private school may be granted access to the online resources of the school. It can be learned lectures. Another option: give student scheduling for the year’s items, plus a list of teaching materials and those materials that have of the school.

3. Family education based on private schools: help in conducting appraisals, consultation online. Support students at the family learning offer today, many portals and schools.

4. Distance learning in a regular school – eksternat.