As “more or less” to work during isolation with the child

As "more or less" to work during isolation with the child

What is our General purpose? To make a child for some time (and quite long) was busy with something exciting. Preferably not cartoons. Some people do that: give the child a gadget – and all. How about thinking? Very useful favorite characters of the baby. Someone is a cookie monster, Caramel and Stewed “Three cats”, someone Masha and the Bear, and other kids our time is a fan of disney pretensioners Chip and Dale. In my case, we are dealing with a “Puppy patrol”. Rocky, Gonic, Tough guy with his cronies always getting into some kind of adventure. Let’s try to put them (meaning the daughter) the task is to find the treasure.

Photo: LightFieldStudios / iStock an educational program for parents: what is Tictoc and how it is possible to earn

“Treasure” can be anything. For example, a treat. Or long-forgotten toy in a layer of shiny foil. Or – even ideal – air the clay. Searching for treasure is a quest. To start hiding a treasure. Even the apartment is full of interesting places. For example, the “hidden” door, behind which is hidden counters. The hatch of the washing machine, too. Or a Shoe box.

Draw a card. It does not need artistic skills, sufficient to portray the key points of the route. The map can be stowed in the bottle and is also hidden in some unexpected place. While the child will admire the game, you will have the time and staff meeting to conduct, and even something to do. And if the treasure was the clay, that you and social networks (be they are wrong) sit or papalolita.

Surprisingly, a good child distract monotonous exercises. Show your son or daughter how to sharpen pencils! In my case, it provided about 40 minutes of working time.

“walk” on the quarantine too. Just to start carefully Rwill ascilite the balcony to free up space

more can help… the separate collection of waste. In the house where there is a child and a journalist, the order – phenomenon is as unstable as oil prices. I just vacuumed again not working go to the kitchen. A lot of the scraps formed after a creative child. Explain that you can add to the package for the separate collection! For processing went almost all the packaging from quickly eaten delicious treasures. And by the way, they need to wash before throwing, otherwise it does not count! Here you have another precious minute.

For a time highly entertaining game with the designer. In the morning we construct intricate base “Puppy patrol”. With many bizarre elements. Then it photographed. And then as if accidentally destroyed. Give fidget a photo and ask to start over.

Photo: Halfpoint / iStock is what is wrong with parents not letting children on to the Network

After dinner, sure…go for a walk. Yes, I misspoke, and not in a hurry to hand me over to the authorities. It’s on the street exercise temporarily prohibited, and the apartment – please! Our apartment has a small balcony. And quite a spacious room. This area is handy for town promenade. Had to clear the balcony to throw out the old stroller, pot, blow off the camera in “cheesecake”. The old box came in handy for the sandbox. Fill it kinetic sand molds is in the set. Car seat put in the middle of the room – it is convenient to consider pictures or to watch cartoons “fresh air”. Take this air just open all the Windows on the balcony and in the room, dress the baby how to walk, and the retreat notes over a Cup of coffee in the kitchen. When in 30-40 minutes for a wee walk up, you see, and there will come a day sleep. This is for an adult something like a lunch break in the office.

Finally, the gadgets. This is a very, no, very bad. Them, as you know from the social networks, “give children only irresponsible ancestors, which on all to spit.” In General, while the reasoner blaspheme progress, banging on the keyboard of the iPhone – give your child a gadget. WhatsApp, for example, we talk on the phone with a friend the Subject of closed on the occasion of the coronavirus kindergarten. And the kids play themselves, just by watching each other! And while conversing. I hear what they say. In their world the main themes of the joint Assembly design and COVID-19. “The virus – it eaaasy, somewhere I picked up the kids. – I’ll show you where he was. When… then When walking let’s go!” Hurry, guys, hurry.

Statedata album itself – backgammon

the Demand for baby goods on the marketplace “Take” for the week rose by 41 percent. Particularly popular products for hobby and creativity. The goods for leisure and entertainment in the last week were ordered by 66 percent more often.

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most of the orders had the goods for drawing. Mostly people were buying albums (demand jumped by 291%), brush (219%) and paint (146%). In addition, the Russians are actively buying coloring books and goods for the painting (objects, stained glass). The demand for the week increased by 204%. Most users just ordered the painting by numbers – the week the demand for “Take” jumped 254%.