Farmer Balayev “finished off” the President of the snails

Farmer Balayev "finished off" the President of the snails

And he was heard as saying, it is done!

it was Hard to “break” with his urgent question to the President? After all this horror talk about the various “filters” and about the specially trained people.

— which side to see, ‘ he says. — Of course, they asked me what question I want to ask? Then I realized that my chances are equal to zero. The question is half-mad — about the development in Russia of snail farms! This is an important meeting where we are talking about milk production, the weight gain of young animals and cultivated areas! But I did finally get, said try it, they say, might work. And Vladimir Vladimirovich supported me! “I agree, it’s a food product, the President said, demonstrating knowledge of the subject. Fish to include oysters. Why not snails?”

Then suburban farmer did not know that his proposal will put on your feet almost the entire government apparatus. The question will be considered even at a state Council meeting chaired by the President.

Now in the category of “Products other livestock” includes all snails, except sea. Moreover, the government order applies only to products made and grown in Russia.

“Thanks to this document we can obtain grants and subsidies. These funds can be used for training, acquisition of equipment, development of production”, — says Sergey Balaev.

Sergey V. — farmer unusual. In the past urban dwellers, from Moscow Reutova. A few years ago dabbled in the breeding of cows and in other rural areas.

— about 15 Years ago I had 300 cows, — says the farmer, and I lived a completely miserable existence. I remember the milk I have bought processors for 9 rubles per liter. Penny, but they came a month later. And even not come at all. Since cows are not kept, although areas help.

Finally, in parfent’yevo village, Kolomna district on the basis of the old barn of the former farm “Wjewski” was engaged in cultivation of pigs, goats, and now snails. Two types: grape (Helix pomatia) and mountain (Helix lucorum).

by the Way, the process of their cultivation is for… two years!

I Admit that the snail never ate or even seen. How does it differ from oysters? Did not have time to prepare, to read online.

— nothing to read, no information, ‘ he says. — We are pioneers.

— what do the snail differs from oysters?— I go.

— This is about how a cat and a dog. Like similar, on four legs, but completely different.

Okay, back to the fateful decision of the Federal government, which expanded the category livestock due to the production of snails and which is already in action.

Grants and subsidies to elitechnique already flowed? And anyway, how many of them if not in the whole Russia, at least in the suburbs? It turns out that such data do not exist. From different regions Balaeva call wishing to engage in such exotic for Russia business. But I don’t know where to start. Soon the farmer-widowed United in their industry Association. “The Charter of her I have prepared. But first you need to import breeding stock”.

the fact that the current law in the country can be imported mussels, live oysters and snails — not. Them in the light of “trade wars” embargoed. To solve this issue, needs government regulation. Most likely, when elitechnique become a real agricultural power, so resolution will not be found.

But will the new agricultural products in the people? Will appreciate if the Russians are accustomed to the traditional menu of fried potatoes with pickles?

— Go, — said Bala. — In the year I grow 5-6 tons of snails, and they sold out well, even come from France, praised my product. This year we plan to reach annual production of snail meat, 60 tons in 2021 — 400 tons.”