I turned on spontaneously two candles in the window on Friday night.
It was not a serious evening, as the 4. may where I also always turn to light. I was, indeed, a single participant in the DR’s singalong Friday night. But the mood was almost the same.
the Feeling of belonging together with others who have a common history and, not least, a society that is ours, was to take and feel. I was happy and touched at the same time. I could feel that I live in Denmark. I song with – along with all the others, who were sitting separately. The songs about my country.
the Danish national Radio had in the beginning of the coronakrisen exceedingly difficult to find their legs to stand on. Their news coverage, cut the incomprehensible down on the coverage. P1, the narrow should receive additional emergency funding, was lumped together with the P4, the broad music channel, so listeners experienced important press conferences was interrupted to play a song by Rasmus Seebach. DR2 Deadline, which has a very special position in Danish news coverage, was completely closed and turned off.
the combination of P1 and P4 met harsh criticism and was quickly dropped. Deadline turns at last back in the coming week after a coronakarantæne of the longer. But it should never have happened. In times of crisis, the DR screw up – not down. DR is part of preparedness at home, in the same way as Health does. Incumbent DR obligations to ensure information to citizens in special situations. Of course living the DR up to the commitments, the management is pushy conscious of, for it is the main part of the DR’s eligibility. But they do not have reason to be proud of the decisions.
Since DR steppet up in a degree that has given the troubled institution a new life and meaning.
It rolls fine programs out where the current limits are thought into the concept. Personally I have been delighted over the football WORLD cup of 1998, where DR Sport two principal commentators, Henrik Liniger and Andreas Kraul, in some strange way, the mystery and the joy of football to live. Even in the matches we have seen and know the outcome of. It is strong.
It is, however, a special singalong with Philip Faber at the piano in the morning and Mads Steffensen in the control room on Fridays, which is the great renewal. You can write the renewal. Yes, especially fredagsprogrammet in the big underholdningstime is a discovery and a shock for most experienced tv-producers.
It is so simple a concept that it would never get through the DR’s many layers of editors, if it was pitched an ordinary Wednesday. There is no audience, there is not a shiny floor, there is not a house band and 30 cameras. It is so simple that it works.
the Mixture of celebrity singers, who sing their own well-known songs, Faber, taking our best hymns, and the as – yet – unknown artists who sing from our common songbook is a cocktail that gets the blood to the veins and the voice to hum with. Notice that there is only one camera on the host, a camera on the singer and completely naked authentic renditions of the songs. A singer – a guitar. A singer – a piano.
it works because It is authentic. It works because it is simple. It works because it fits the time. Friday we were allowed to sing along with songs from Sebastian, Love Shop,TV2, Sea Fenger, Tøsedrengene and Nanna’s Buster – the best sing-with songs from the 70’s and 80’s. Anyway, it was Malak – the unknown singer from Vejle, denmark, that melted our hearts. Even a point. The celebrity is down to earth with the rest of us, all can be with.
the Hymns from Faber’s piano – this evening ‘See, now the sun will rise’ and ‘Danmark, nu blunder den lyse nat’ – is our historical heritage, as we all should know. I learned them all in school. At Aulum Byskole, we prayed the lord’s prayer and sang a hymn every morning. It has come to me for the benefit ago, I can most of them, when the organ strikes the first tone. But I ‘forgot’ to teach my children the same songs, and I regret it today. Music helps me to remedy the error. The program is history, song and artistic education in an inclusive way.
It is well known that the major crises and events are creating inventions both technical and substantive. It is a coincidence that the DR was forced to think radically different, but they made it and created something unique. It ought to be thought-provoking for the whole of the DR, for it is demonstrated that the simple and honest beats the expensive and fortænkte. Remember it, when normal frames again, and the next big entertainment programmes are pitched, and the editors say: ‘Argh, the music keeps the not in the length. It was just a mood.’
So dear DR: Keep community singing every Friday, believe it, let it evolve, but without that we should have the greetings from the known. We need to sing in a large choir with the soloists, we know, and who has the x-factor, and the new, which is on the way. The program can carry.
Erik Grip: I forgot, how much ‘Welcome to the green grove’ meant in my youth. Thank you for the song, I will hum the still on the second day. It means still something.