Accomplice in war crimes in the Rostov region takes refuge in Canada

Accomplice in war crimes in the Rostov region takes refuge in Canada

In August 1942 in Zmievskaya Balka, sinister and deserted area- “Rostov Babi Yar”, the Nazis were shot and killed in other ways, about 27 thousand people. This place was the mass extermination of Jews in Russia during the Holocaust in the years of the great Patriotic war. Now there is the Eternal flame and there is a road from the centre of Rostov-on-don in the Western industrial zone.

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the Only thing for analysts living today the executioner – 96-year-old Helmut Oberlander. After almost 25 years of battles in canadian courts, and numerous appeals of the defense to the end of 2019, he was finally deprived of canadian citizenship. The deportation of Nazi Germany achieve, which has long been stripped of his citizenship, and Israel. Now on the results will also insist the Russian side, for such heinous crimes have no Statute of limitations.

an Ethnic German who lived in the Soviet Union on the territory of Ukraine in the village of Molochansk of Zaporizhzhya region, Helmut Oberlander spoke good German, in Russian and Ukrainian. Early in the war as a teenager, after the occupation by the Nazis, he arrived at the headquarters of the German command. Worked as a translator for the Einsatzkommando 10a, known as the Sonderkommando team SS-10-a, Dr. Hertz, one of the most cruel task forces that operated in the Eastern occupied territories during the Second world war. The judge in the case of Oberlander, the division was “mobile squad of executioners”, which the SS used exclusively for mass murder.

Photo: Vladimir Biel/WG From the coronavirus has died, the last of the soldiers who liberated Paris from the NATearnest

SS-10-a, according to its own reports within the police Department in Germany, conducted mass executions in Melitopol, Berdyansk, Mariupol and Taganrog, and then in the summer and autumn of 1942 in the Rostov and Krasnodar and Novorossiysk. This was stated by justice Michael Phelan for the hearings, “translator of death” in 2008. During the war years in Rostov-na-Donu the Nazis during the occupation executed more than 90 thousand inhabitants. 9 Aug 1942 in Rostov homes was posted the order of Hertz that Jews should be by 8 am on August 11 rally points for “resettlement” in a special area. The Assembly points were almost 27 thousand people. They were taken to the ravine, away from the city center and started to execute one by one. The shooting in the zmievsky beam, perhaps the most tragic page in the history of the southern capital.

Oberlander argued in court that he was forcibly taken to serve in the SS and could be executed, if he would he dezertira. During the various trials the executioner and his defense was constantly rests on the fact that Oberlander had never participated in the atrocities. But the facts – a stubborn thing: because the testimony of the survivors revealed that Oberlander was not just an interpreter for the Nazis. According to the Simon Wiesenthal center and the Federal court of Canada, he personally took the most direct part in the destruction of Jews and Gypsies in the occupied territory of Ukraine and involved in the murder of at least 23 thousand people. In January 1943 he was awarded the Iron cross 2nd class for “the dedication”.

He concealed his participation in the Sonderkommando, when asked about canadian officials, satisfying the request for the residence permit, which ultimately decided his fate. Oberlander left Canada, and according to various estimates, from two to five thousand of the Nazis, who found refuge here after the war. They eventually got families, escaped jail time and was safely gone to the other world.

In 1985, the then canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney created the Commission in glava Jules Desena to investigate the acts of war criminals. The Commission Desena found out the names of 883 suspects the Nazis. However, from 1987 to 1992 in the court was referred only 26 cases, and were charged under the Criminal code of Canada in only four cases.

Photo: Getty Images What plans did the Nazis in regard to the Baltic

Oberlander was one of the first objectives of the special unit for war crimes, founded by the canadian government in the mid 1990-ies, when the deportation began to seem a more realistic goal than a criminal conviction. Was initiated 12 criminal cases, half of them of the defendants died before a final decision is made, the two left the country voluntarily, three were acquitted by the court, said the canadian newspaper the National Post .

the Case Oberlander was the longest, lasted more than 20 years and flowed into the political plane. It got to the point that, in 2001, the canadian MP Andrew Telegdi threatened with expulsion from the ruling party, until he apologized for the comparison of canadian policy on deprivation of citizenship of Oberlander with Nazi tactics.

“bounty Hunter” Steve Rambam in 1990-ies was posing as a researcher of the University to force war criminals to tell him their stories. He took a rather candid interview with Antanas Kenstavicius, who was the chief of police in Lithuania. He admitted that his unit under the supervision of the Germans destroyed five thousand Jews. “They were locked up for a week, the women raped, their property looted. Then they lined them up naked in a ditch… it took Them six days to kill them all with fire. This man told me all this in detail at the end saying: “then the JewsEV is no more,” wrote the Rambam in his book. All they were interviewed 72 Nazi war criminal who did not hesitate to confide with a “Professor”. Its extensive report about the crimes of the Nazis, quietly living in Canada, was sent to the Federal authorities more than a decade ago, but they made no effort to punish the Nazis. “It’s a stain on the history of Canada,” concluded the Rambam.

Photo: Mikhail Voskresensky / RIA Novosti Narochnitskaya said those who put on a par with Nazism and communism

the deportation Case Oberlander, of which three were decided in favor of the accused, it was considered a failure of the canadian judicial system by bringing suspected Nazi war criminals to justice. “To the great and everlasting shame, the canadian government nothing was done,” said Rambam in 2019.

According to David Matas, senior legal counsel canadian analytical centre “British Canada”, the key problem lay in the fact that for decades Canada did not actively pursue suspected war criminals, and when she really decided to proceed to trial, these cases were poorly implemented and ineffective.

in 1995, the government of Canada announced that it will use such administrative measures as deprivation of citizenship and deportation. However, none of the Nazis but Oberlander had not been deprived of citizenship of Canada. But Ottawa has so far not deported to Europe.