Trygve Skaug overall commentator in støttekonsert for flyktningebarn

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It’s absolutely insane and amazing, writes artist and lyricist Trygve Skaug to NRK Saturday evening.

Late on good Friday evening he invited to a live concert from The old library in Oslo, along with Eva Weel Skram and Torgeir Waldemar.

Over 40,000 got to the concert. Along the way, it was also collected money will go to the organization Drop in the Ocean, which works to improve the situation for refugees.

Saturday afternoon was given over 1.2 million dollars from the public who saw the concert online.

– It is going so incredibly well in Moria, and needed huge right now, ” says Skaug.

He is very engaged in the refugees situation, and is characterized by that which happens in the crowded Moria-the camp on the island of Lesbos.

the Concert was carried out without fees and with support from a record label, a publishing company and the actual concert venue.

Fear disaster

20.0000 people living in the flyktningleiren in Greece, which really is built for 3000. It means, among other things, congestion and unsustainable sanitation. The toilets are full, and rain leads to mud everywhere.

The official number of victims of the korona-the pandemic passed on good Friday in 100,000 people. Founder and general secretary Trude Jacobsen in the Straw in the Ocean are worried about a disaster if the infection when flyktningleiren.

the general Secretary Trude Jacobsen in the Straw in the Ocean, fear a disaster in the flyktningleiren Moria in Greece.

Photo: Svein Finneide/Tara

According to the secretary-general, it is 1300 persons per wash with cold water. The refugees do not have access to hot water or soap.

to keep the distance, or wash your hands often, it is not possible. The most important thing we can do now, is to prevent that koronasmitten get there. There are many people there who have underlying diseases, and I fear it will be disastrous if the infection reaches the camp, said Jacobsen during the concert.

Journalists have difficult to get into and to report from camp. Shafiullah beautiful site for his, who lives in Moria, has sent NRK a video that shows the conditions:

the 20,000 refugees are being held again in Moria camp in Greece. Where it is not clean water, electricity or medicines. You need javascript to see the video.

the 20,000 refugees are being held again in Moria camp in Greece. Where it is not clean water, electricity or medicines.

Digital demonstration

People from all over Europe are fighting now for around 7500 children in flyktningleiren to be evacuated.

In the beginning of april, several organisations and celebrities in the Uk together to keep a digital demonstration for the kids on Facebook.

Close to 100.000 people visited the digital demonstration, with the motto “evacuate families with children from Moria now”.

Jenny skavlan talkshow, Kristoffer Options, Voice Maria Krohn Engvik (known as Helsesista), Nicolai Cleve Broch and Frida Ånnevik was among the celebrities who posted photos of themselves with a poster with the motto.

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also Read : Fryktar korona-disaster for flyktningane in Greece also Read : Fear koronakatastrofe in a refugee camp: – I am ashamed to be Norwegian Germany is hoping to help

This week was 44.504 signatures with the demand to evacuate children and the vulnerable from Moria-camp handed over to prime minister Erna Solberg.

– the Government has repeatedly said that they want to be with and take responsibility for the flyktningsituasjonen. The long-term solution they’re talking about, it is good that he is trying to get in place, but now the situation is so acute that you have to evacuate the most vulnerable first, type the initiator Kathrin Glatz Brubakk, according to NTB.

Solberg has previously stated to the NTB that it is appropriate to pick someone out of the camp, but the fact that Norway has given money to, among other things, to move unaccompanied minors to a special reception on the mainland.

at the same time, the German government decided to take into 350-500 minors who are in the camps without their parents, in the course of the coming weeks.

Germany’s foreign minister Heiko Maas is not pleased with the fact that few EU countries will help to.

– Apart from Luxembourg are we the only country that is willing to take in children, ” says Maas in an interview with the broadcaster RTL.

He adds that they do not want to wait more on the other and takes a grip now. Maas expresses the hope that several other EU countries will follow suit.

Refugees and migrants live in miserable conditions in flyktningleiren on the Greek island of Lesvos. It is very difficult for them to keep distance and avoid contamination, and the fear of koronaviruset is great.

Photo: Manolis Lagoutaris / AFP – the Children are trapped

Besides the signatures supported the action of over 20 non-governmental organisations such as Amnesty International, the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, the Norwegian refugee council, Norwegian people’s Aid and save the Children.

– It is more important than ever to help the most vulnerable children. The conditions in Greek refugee camps are completely unacceptable, and with his father from koronapandemien we have countries in Europe to find a solution for the unaccompanied minors, writes the secretary general of the Red Cross, Bernt G. Apeland in a press release.

Also Fellesorganisasjonen requires that Norway contributes to the immediate evacuation of the Moria camp.

– the Children in the Tale are trapped in the camp, under critical conditions without the necessary care, with lack of safety and deplorable sanitary conditions, ” says Mimmi Kvisvik, forbundsleder in Fellesorganisasjonen.

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