Quarantine helped to return to sports

Quarantine helped to return to sports


In the Arkhangelsk region, for example, launched the video contest “I train at home.” On the first day, the northerners sent dozens of stories about his sport literally to the couch. All involved – from preschoolers to grandparents. Video shoot as famous athletes and professional trainers, and those who have turned to physical culture just now.

Photo: instagram.com / avtrusova How the athletes keep in shape at home

Six-year-old Artem Prokopiev from Severodvinsk, who has been swimming in school sports, demonstrates breathing exercises in the bath water. Arkhangelsk fitness instructor Anastasia hump shows a complete workout. Girls cheerleader school club lit the song Vysotsky – “If you…”. Seniors share their achievements in Pilates and yoga. Many participants of the house has a fully equipped sports area. Parents work together with children, young people and grandparents.

– All sports and fitness rooms are now closed, the stadiums were empty, – said the representative of the organizer of competition – the regional Agency for sport – Nadezhda Shilova. And regular training is necessary and professional athletes, and ordinary athletes. So we decided to inspire the people of the region for study at home. I am glad that your videos with the correct flow of exercises are delivered by professionals, but 80 percent of the contestants are ordinary people from all over the region.

the Contest will run until the end of the regime of self-isolation. The winners will receive prizes.

quarantine helped to return to sports 2 Photo credit: monkeybusinessimages / iStockУлан-Ude

to help people in training online, through the public accounts and in social networks has started various sports federations and athletes. In Buryatia one of the virtual mentors was the Director of the Republican sports school of the Olympic reserve, the President of Federation of Thai Boxing of the Republic, the world champion Zhargal Ochirov. Your remote training spends and the Republican Federation of sports aerobics in her online group are laid out exercise videos, and can repeat them as active athletes and the General public. Well, the figure skating Federation conducts morning and evening Internet classes for children and adults of all skill levels.


In the online public “Samara oblast” is gaining popularity of other sports project – “charging with the champion”. Every morning there published videos with workouts and exercises from leading sportsmen of the region. Well, the first master-class showed the women’s world championship 2019 by fitness aerobics, and this video has got over 22 thousand views. To be able to repeat this at home can not everyone, but at least a few such steps, lively music and energetic the pace is invariably a positive charge.

Photo: EPA Famous athletes gave advice on the preservation of the forms in isolation

In turn, the champion of Russia on track and field athletics Valery Andreyev suggested to do exercises with a fitness band, for example, in the corridors, and thereby to prove that health is not necessarily going to the gym.

sports home will help keep not only physical, but also emotional health, as well as to stay in harmony with oneself and household. Together we will defeat this attack, says all the athlete.

the Master of sports of international class in Taekwondo Yulia Turutina offered to keep body and spirit in good shape with the help of well – known exercises- squats, to press and pressediy. Well complex sports exercises for stomach and back all recommend the player of volleyball club “Nova” (Novokuybyshevsk) Denis Sincely.

Local authorities also show an example of his friendship with sports. Administrators of the Samara public has shared a video of his Governor Dmitry Azarov. The head of the region did 50 push-UPS and advised the countrymen, if their homes have no trainers to think about… rope.


And in Omsk daily workout in Instagram launched the famous Russian fighter of MMA (mixed martial arts) Storm Alexander Shlemenko.

– the Idea to hold a virtual training came to me for a long time. After all, the opportunity to visit gyms today are not all children. In many villages, for example, such halls just yet, – shared with “RG” Alexander. – And now – time stay at home – the best time to get in shape. The same schoolchildren and young athletes are at home for the second week.

Photo: Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS How to put coronavirus physical, nutritional and financial barrier

across the country closed sports facilities, do not work and our author’s schools. As a father, I understand that kids is hard to sit in one place, and spend the accumulated energy they need.

in my Daily Instagram Shlemenko puts the lessons of the struggle at home under the hashtag #Narodnichestvo.

Nizhny Novgorod

the Ministry of sports of Nizhny Novgorod region launched the project “a day without sports”. Any Nizhegorodets, having come on page of the Ministry in social networks, will be able to repeat the physical exercises for the famous Nizhny Novgorod sportsmen. Already gone virtualcovered classes from karate, basketball players, fitness trainers and players. Judging by the reviews in social networks, users of social networks most liked training in karate from coach Alexander Emilichev.