To the new terms of the loan vacation is coming of 3.8 million mortgage loans

To the new terms of the loan vacation is coming of 3.8 million mortgage loans

According to the original terms, the deferred payments under the law on credit vacation is available only for mortgages worth up to 1.5 million rubles, while the average mortgage amount rose by the end of 2019 to 2.2 million, while in Moscow this figure was 4.9 million.

on Friday, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin reported that the government decided to increase the limit on mortgages, making it differentiated: for most regions, it increased to 2 million rubles for Saint-Petersburg and the far Eastern Federal district – up to 3 million rubles, and in Moscow – up to 4.5 million rubles.

Photo: Maxim Blinov/RIA Novosti Central Bank allowed banks deleted mortgage

According to United credit Bureau, the share of existing mortgage loans, potentially under conditions of vacation credit will increase from 49% to 73%. Most significantly, this proportion will increase to Moscow (from 10 to 68%), Moscow region (from 17 to 64%), St. Petersburg (from 22 to 70%), regions of the Far East (from 31 to 80%).

Conditions on car loans (over 600 thousand rubles) and cash loans (250 thousand roubles) remain the same. According to the EDB, they are placed 45% of loans and 72% of cash loans. While in Moscow, the most affected by the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the average size of consumer loan is 528 thousand rubles, and the purchase of the car the capital’s residents took loans an average of 1.2 million rubles.

the Finance Ministry noted that the law on credit holidays aimed at helping the most needy segments of the population. Citizens who can attest to the reduction in revenues by 30% in comparison with the average monthly income for the year 2019, have the right to require the Bank to defer payments for a period of from 1 to 6 months. In this case the interest during Ligoenjoy your period will continue to accrue.