Cars, German experts advise the buyers to have to delay the purchase of a new car,because certain models will likely be a lot less expensive. All of this does not necessarily mean that it is for the Belgian market, so it will be, however, as that behaves differently than the Belgian one. Your cookie settings to make sure that the content is not displayed.
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by car Dealers and leasing companies in Germany are almost all closed due to the crisis and declines in the vraag.De the German car market contracted in march, with nearly 38 per cent as a result of the coronacrisis. The car experts out there would expect, therefore, that for buyers, the best deals lie ahead.
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According to the marktanalyticusFerdinand Dudenhöffer of the University of California. Gallenhebben dealer with a large inventory of cars that they can’t be sold to get it. This is partly because the dealers are in most of the cases the cars need to be reduced, while it is unclear as to when or if they will be buyers as well. In addition, threat of bankruptcy for a number of automobielbedrijven.
“The car market in Germany, this year will be a huge immersion experience,’ says Dudenhöffer. “That can only be mitigated with the use of smart offers that the customer is not a big risk.”One option is to use a car service plan, in which the customers due to the uncertainty of the economic outlook for six months at a single institution have to be enhanced. The buyers have, according to him, not so much in need of a bargain, but for safety and security.
the Big discounts, avoidable
However, the big discounts are a must for the German automotive industry. Models in which a large stock has been built up, and which are just taking up space for the dealers, so have come, as a car expert Dudenhöffer lot to offer. “Save up to 50% are possible”, said the expert of the German magazine Focus .
it’s also great discounts to be offered will be will be, however, it is not very likely. The Belgian market is functioning, i.e. not the same as the German, so it sounds like it’s The belgians are buying their new car is almost always in order, and on overstock it is, therefore, not to be the case. “It seems rather more logical that there is productieschaarste will arise,” says the specialist website.
Deals will be possible, however, to do so, through the industry of car hire companies who may be going to go through the lockdownmaatregelen, and their fleet is cheap, it will have to sell it.