Dmitry Malikov will Never swear in order to succeed

Dmitry Malikov will Never swear in order to succeed

Dmitry, and how will this concert?

Dmitry Malikov: Celebration. For me, this year turned 50 years old. The concert will be part of the XXIX International pop song performers contest “VITEBSK-2020”.

But whether such competitions today, when a song on YouTube could make you popular?

Dmitry Malikov: the Contest is a test of the professional level. You think to yourself that talented, but at the competition it turns out that there are much more talented.

And how do you like the festival?

Dmitry Malikov: Like, it unites the culture and traditions of the Slavic peoples. And in Vitebsk is something to see, for example, the house-Museum of Chagall, the City of masters.

You became a star on the songs about love in a major key. Which is rare. Is there a set of moral foundations that have invested in you parents?

Photo: Victor Tolochko / RIA Novosti Lukashenko has approved the dates of the “Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk”

Dmitry Malikov: was a Wednesday, was a Soviet school.

At the age of 20 you were already famous. How can you explain such a success?

Dmitry Malikov: adolescence coincided with the peak popularity parents “Gems”. I was raised by my grandmother – mom’s mom. She purposely left work. Then the words “nanny” was not. Parents came for three or four days and again left. Father on the car took me to a music school. A family friendly atmosphere.

So, the parents you sat at the piano?

Dmitry Malikov: I got a professional education. He graduated from the Conservatory. DuringI study at the Conservatory I was already an adult performer – I was raised to be the stadiums.

by the Way, had no desire to write a book about your musical dynasty?

Dmitry Malikov: Father is not just offered, but I’m a composer, not a writer.

Now in fashion REP. How do you feel about this direction?

Dmitry Malikov: Our music reformirovan, gets in rap is the language understood by the young people. Thanks to the Internet rappers shoot fast, but fading fast. Now enough text to put on a bit. But rap is the social burden. That’s good. More and more young people will Express themselves – there is a generational change. This is normal. I myself was raised on the music of the 80-ies, it was in the past. But I want to go forward. Why sing in the old way, if you can sing in the new?

You see in the rap threat?

Dmitry Malikov: For my generation – no. Do not believe that it is killing the profession of a musician.

On my page on Twitter you can read the rules for guests: no masks and gloves to enter, on the keyboard and the monitor is not to sneeze…”

What would you give parting words modern artists?

Dmitry Malikov: Pay more attention to the melody.

How did you thank your father – the head of ensemble “semi-precious stones” jury Malikov?

Dmitry Malikov: Thanks to him I fell in love with pop songs.

it is said that Stas Mikhailov took part of your female audience…

Dmitry Malikov: a Joke? His audience is aging, like mine. After 40 years, the artist at odds with his audience, alas.

You work in education?

Dmitry Malikov: In 2012 I created a socio-educational project for children “music Lessons” and began to give master classes throughout Russia. I am a servant of two masters, a binder the link between pop and the classics, trying to turn the youth towards education, so she knows that Mozart is not candy. I have a medley of works by Rachmaninoff, Brahms. I bring a creative experience to young musicians ‘ primary music education. In the framework of the “piano Lessons” on the same stage with me were many budding artists.

Photo: Vladimir Song / RIA Novosti Opera singer Andrea Bocelli will perform in Milan’s Cathedral

What inspires you?

Dmitry Malikov: Communicating with your son. Nature. Inspiration comes when working. I Wake up early every morning and sit down at the piano.

What you’ll never do for success?

Dmitry Malikov: I will Not swear.

What is the most unexpected gift you have received on your birthday?

Dmitry Malikov: the Piano last year. I have it is house.

How do you keep in shape?

Dmitry Malikov: to Comply with restrictions in food. I love going to the gym, just walk. Play football.

Made coronavirus changes in your concert poster?

Dmitry Malikov: Continue to work despite the rescheduling of concerts. The infection didn’t scare me, but I was careful. Rules of visiting guests can be read on my page in Twitter: without masks and gloves to enter, on the keyboard and the monitor is not sneezing.